- You can randomly hug a perfect stranger.
- You can randomly get married to some chick while waiting in line.
- .... and she's already randomly married 125 people before you.
hehehe >=D
- When you can feel almost normal while asking people to marry you repeatedly ^^
- When instead of saying "I like your costume" you can scream "OMGZ0R! YOUR SWORD AND PANTS ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! CAN I HUG YOU? O.O"
- You jump around people as you run to the front desk of the Doubletree to ask for a piece of paper for hugs.
- People know what you're talking about when you say "the marble drink"
- When you have a cuddle puddle in the middle of the park and then stand up and do that awsome six-flags dance to be entertainment <3
- You look up at the hotel to see how tall it is and you see Inuyasha and his friends waving at you =3
- You jump in the car as you're leaving and say to your parent "Hey mom! I just got married to 150 people and now I need to go hug a few of them! Be right back!!!"
- You know very few of the names of people you married O.O hehe ^^ but you still love them all to death ^^