We've all heard it a million times before, and we all know what I'm talking about. Also known as HOBO, (Horrible Otaku Body Odor) what I've come to refer to as 'geek smell' can be easily avoided, and while I know that it's virtually impossible to force
everyone at a convention to bathe, (Short of busting out a really big hose and some industrial sanitizers) I think that there's at least a few simple solutions as to how to help with this problem.
Maybe you've seen this:
http://www.sakuracon.org/index.php?s=faqs&p=faqs/checklist.php but then again, maybe you haven't. It's a good list. It covers a lot of bases, even going above and beyond personal hygiene.
While standing in line to get my pre-reg badge on Saturday morning, a woman standing in line near me and I caught a whif of the unpleasant aroma most of us have come to loathe and abhor, and after the passing culprit had moved out of earshot, we both expressed our casual disgust. However, we also hatched a could-be brilliant idea: Free soap sponsors.
I don't know how this would go, as I'm not any sort of business person, but if we were able to get free sampler manga in our swag bags, shouldn't it be possible to get free travel-size soap and / or deodorant for our guests as well? A sponsor could benefit from the publicity, I'd hope, and the rest of us could benefit from cleaner, fresher air, not to mention cleaner, fresher people.
Sure, not everyone is gonna use them, but not everybody reads their free manga samplers, either. At least providing them with these items allows people the option to use the products if necessary, and removes the excuse of not bringing it with them on the trip, or not being able to afford it at the local drug / grocery store. (Although that's a lame excuse, since many stores sell tiny travel-size hygenics for less than a dollar)
Alternate ideas included the 'Febreeze Fairy (R),' nose-plugs and military-grade gas masks, but this plan seemed like the most feasible, and I'd absolutely adore anyone who could actually put it into action. Also, if only to cover my ass, I also understand that certain individuals may have cultural and / or health aversions to using some of these products, and it's your personal choice whether or not you'd like to be a clean person. Allergies, religious reasons, and even simple individual taste are all reasons that I can respect for not bathing, but plain laziness / irresponsibility are not.
So, yeah. Pretty please? Maybe we can consider this?