Has anyone set up a place for Kumoricon'ers to chat? If not, I'd like to invite anyone who wants to chat to join #kumoricon on EFNet.
If you have no idea what that is, you may want to download mIRC from
www.mirc.com .. The program is pretty self explanatory. Once you've got everything done and you're staring at a window that says "Status", cut+paste this:
/server irc.easynews.com
And then:
/join #kumoricon
If you cant' figure out how to use mIRC, try the webchat interface at
http://chat.efnet.org/irc.cgi?adv=1Enter your nickname (maximum of 9 letters, no spaces, no special characters like !@#$). Leave the server info alone. Where it says Channel, erase #webchat and replace with #kumoricon .. Then click Login! Voila!
I'll be the one named sasami. And ryoko is my bot. ^_^;