We've been to Akicon and Sakuracon, and now to Kumoricon!
Saturday from 3:30 to 5pm-
Introduction to Cosplay: A Field Guilde to Costumed Survival
"So, you've decided that giant swords, neon hair, and miles of ruffles sound like your idea of a good time--but you don't know where to start. Maybe you tried it that one time twelve hours before con...with hilarious results. No idea what to do when a camera's shoved in your face?
I've spent almost ten years learning the ropes and I want to help. From thinking about what you want out of your cosplay experience to how to win the war between animation and reality, let me show you there's more to cosplay than hot glue and hope!"
My co-host and I will be bringing props & materials for looking at and handouts & tiny balls of Model Magic for the taking-home with you. You bring yourself, questions, and an interest in making awesome cosplays happen~!