Soooo, if we do end up having the Tales of Panel (which I'm really going to push for, I'll put in the applications and takes care of everything for this if I have to), I do plan on bringing the Tales games I own, though I doubt I'll be able to do anything more than just show that I have them. What I have are the following:
Tales of Phantasia (GBA)
Tales of Destiny (PS)
Tales of Eternia (PSP)
Tales of Symphonia (GC)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii)
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
Tales of Legendia (PS2)
Tales of Vesperia (360)
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (PSP)
Tales of Xillia (PS3) [This one is a game that I am EXTREMELY protective of, so yeah, definitely don't expect me to let it out of my sight. I'm very lucky to have it at all.]
I also have Tales of Hearts, Tales of Innocence, and Tales of the Tempest (NDS), but they are all on an R4, so I didn't actually purchase them (though man, if I had the money, I would order an actual copy of all of them in a heartbeat). Also, by the time the con happens, I will have Tales of Graces f (PS3). That's officially happening. My pre-order was paid off as a Christmas Gift and I even requested 3/13/2012 off from work so that I can go and get it and not have to worry about rushing back to work. Am I dedicated, or am I just sad?
Another thought occurred to me while I was playing Xillia that I kind of want to see if I can delve into ... I want to kind of discuss how the series as a whole has evolved, in storylines, in game schematics, and what the major differences are in the newer games as compared to the older ones. Even if I can hardly understand a lot of what they're saying in Xillia, there are still a ton of things I'm noticing that are things I haven't seen very much, if at all in a Tales game.
As usual, any other ideas on what we can do for the Tales panel are more than welcome, and I still would love to have some help in running it from someone who knows the series as a whole fairly well. C: