Mkay, so I'm no longer planning on doing Claude. I'd like to do him, and maybe if I have time/money I'll work on a cospaly for him at some point,
but for sure I'll be doing:
Ronald and William(Will have at least two outfits for Ronald and hopefully 3 for Will.... If there's a ball, I'd love to do a mascarade Will with my sis doing a mascarade Grell.)
And IF I can find it in thrift stores and IF I have money, Ciel. I'd obviously have to get his wig online, but I could get a paper boy outfit from Good will/ Value Village.
I still need to pre-reg and work on saving money for a hotel /after/ January when I get my next gecko.
My gecko breeding project is gonna come before this(If I can sell gecko babies, I can get money for putting stuff back into gecko breeding and K-con)
So I know for sure I'll be doing Will and Ronald, but that's it.
Hopefully Ciel,
not Claude