If I do make it, I will be splitting my time between this meeting and the, unfortunately coinciding, OryCon ConCom meeting.
Would it be possible to swing by at the start of the meeting, collect a ballot for each race, vote directly in the ones I have time for, and then, when I have to leave for the other meeting, turn the rest of them in all at once, either directly to the Secretary or to someone I select (probably randompvg)?
If I return after the OryCon meeting, for the dinner portion, it happens that my best friend from childhood is visiting from Chicago. I don't have anywhere to bring her (as I live in Eugene), so she would be with me. Now it's entirely likely she will be fasting, as it is Yom Kippur.
(And honestly, it never would happen where we grew up, that the holiest day in the Jewish calendar would be a day two conventions would schedule their meetings. GRRRR. ARRRRGH.)
Anyway. If I come back for staff dinner and happen to have to have my best friend also with me (who most likely will be fasting) can I like pay or something to be able to have her there?
Until when do we have the room? Approximately when do we anticipate dinner? BTW last year's meal with the Tofurky for vegetarians was outstanding. Thanks!