Username: TurboSaiyanJason
Preferred Name:Jason
Contact Info:Cell, e-mail, Facebook. PM on here for the details.
Two of my near-future cosplays includes Hitmonchan or a super saiyan 3 Pikachu.
I'd do a cosplay from K-on! but there aren't may male characters to speak of, and I'd rather not crossplay as anyone.
I heard MEWcon was cancelled this year, and I do have my sights set on Sakuracon, possibly by train unless other wheels are available. If I can't come up with a skit of my own for the contest, I'll team up with you guys for K con 2012.
One thing I would like to enter at Sakuracon with the group or a team of my own is the Final Fantasy Tournament. Pretty much 3 person teams take turns exchanging attacks with the opposing team, The team with the most impressive attacks will advance.