Author Topic: Where's My Fellow Graveyard Shifters?  (Read 2905 times)

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Offline hellscabane

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Where's My Fellow Graveyard Shifters?
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:42:53 pm »
So I'm just curious whom over here works nights? And when I mean nights, I mean like from 12am-8am or 7pm-7am (like I do) or something similar.

And here's a few random questions to keep things trudging along (you don't need to answer them, but it helps move things along):

What do you do?
Do you prefer nights to days?
How do you deal with lunch? (Do you bring your own stuff? Go to a 24-hour place? I ask because not many places cater to the nighttime crowd.)
Do you switch back to a day schedule on the weekends?

And whatever other random stuff ya wanna add...
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Offline melchizedek

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Re: Where's My Fellow Graveyard Shifters?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 04:38:57 am »
I'm here, working nights is kinda zombifying.

For lunch?  Usually I just hit the cafe at work, after midnight there is hardly anything but fast food open here in the 'burbs.
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Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Where's My Fellow Graveyard Shifters?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2012, 01:46:21 pm »
I work at Clark College as a custodian.  My weekly schedule is 10:30pm-7:00am, Sunday-Thursday.  For the most part, I do prefer nights.  this allows me to attend classes.  However, since I'll be graduating soon, and I'll be having a baby in a few months, I'll probably look into having my boss transfer me to days (though it probably won't happen).  For food, I just bring whatever from home.  Sometimes it'll be sandwiches, or leftovers, or top ramen.  I also like having 1-3 energy drinks to help me get through the shift, but many times I require none.
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Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: Where's My Fellow Graveyard Shifters?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2012, 06:37:53 pm »
Me me me!!!

What do you do?  I'm a CNA 2 at a hospital

Do you prefer nights to days?  Do I ever!

How do you deal with lunch? (Do you bring your own stuff? Go to a 24-hour place? I ask because not many places cater to the nighttime crowd.)  I don't eat meals really...not even if I'm awake during the day.  (Unless someone prepares one for me)  I just eat all the time.  I come in with a grocery bag full of a variety of food to make sure I have a good selection.

Do you switch back to a day schedule on the weekends?  Not normally but sometimes I do.

Offline DSaturn

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Re: Where's My Fellow Graveyard Shifters?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2012, 07:17:41 pm »
My schedule is constantly changing... i havent worked overnights, which is more along the lines that you are talking, but i have worked a lot of shifts until 1am, followed by being back to work at 10am. I usually pick up 'lunch'your on my way in for my shift and then store it in the breakroom fridge un til i get my break.

On the one side, i think i would prefer overnights to the almost overnight shift because it would be constant and i wouldnt have to deal with customers, but as a non-overnighter, i know we leave a LOT of stuff for them to deal with because we dont want to.
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