With con-crunch coming on right now, I will be flattened schedule-wise from here on in.
Do we want to try this in October / November as a warm-up for the 2013 contest?
Also, I will very likely be doing an AMV clinic sometime during the con, and I have Premiere Elements 8.
All I need is to know what room and time I / the clinic will be assigned.
We can definitely fire up Premiere and go over the basics of importing video and audio,
fade-ins fade outs, motion, and (uncompressed .avi) output.
Premiere will compress output, but it doesn't do the greatest job.
It's still much better than the pixelated crudfests you often get from
Windows Movie Maker (which is the main reason why .wmv files are
NOT accepted in this AMV contest,) but there are better and simpler tools out there.
Best compressor one I use now is
AMV Simple** which you can find on amvnews.ru
ZarxGui is also pretty good.
** [CTAPT!] Phear not teh menacing Cyrillic, there IS an English option in the install..