Alright, so we have been discussing this a lot in my cosplay group thread and I believe by the whole pile of bronies that appeared it is time to say I have enough support to begin planning
Hopefully this all goes over well~
Now I would like to have a MLP:FIM Fandom panel, to address just the entire Pony community <3 I have a pretty good idea on how this can run, feel free to pitch in ideas and I would like to have a mane six of cosplayers to sit up front and help run things.
(If you are cosplaying a character not listed just ask
Elements of Usefulness:
Pinkie Pie: Hatakegirlx
Twilight Sparkle: Shingami_lover
Rainbow Dash: Jonny
AppleJack: Teddy_Bearxx
Fluttershy: Foggedover
Rarity: Wrath-Chan19
Discord: Nekovamp13
For starters I was thinking we can take questions from the curious about the fandom. I for one am pretty knowledgeable on all of the randomness that is Equestria and it's fans.
(Maybe turn a few fillies and gentlecolts into bronies)
I also want to do some games and contests.
Cupcake decorating!
Musical saddles?
Dance offs
Maybe a little stand up?
Also I was considering maybe setting up entertainment? Like if anypony has some sort of talents or jokes, or even inspirational brony stories
And of course, MUSIC!
Lots in store! Discord and I even came up with some wonderfully chaotic plans <3
Pitch in! Let's get planning!