Author Topic: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!  (Read 5775 times)

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Offline VampireFangs103

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Hello everyone! I'm doing a report for one of my classes based on American Comics and manga, and the industry of both. I've created this short little survey, and I really need as many responses as possible. Figured this was a great place to ask! Please answer honestly, and provide explanations whenever you feel the need. Your time is greatly appreciated! Please note that when I simply refer to "comics", I am referring to American Comics only (Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, etc.) Thank you so much!

1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!

Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2012, 05:26:15 pm »
1. Male

2. 29

3. Yes

4. Sometimes

5. Definitely manga.  They are more creative and many are a lot closer to reality than any comic book series that DC or Marvel have ever created.  Manga is a way to see the Japanese culture, which is by far one of the most amazing cultures humanity has to offer; American culture is really a series of mutilating, assimilating, and denying elements of various cultures around the world (primarily European and Mediterranean).

6. Men

7. Not by a long shot.

8. ...a few attempts, but not too much.

9. Nope.

10. Manga.  Comics have heroes, almost all of which are aliens or people who have been genetically altered by radiation or something like that.  Manga has some series like that, but there's also series that encompass the fantasy realm, sports, ninjas, daily life, robots, war, high school, psychedelic trips, dreams, card games, curses, rodents fighting lizards, food, other cultures, and so much more.

11. Sometimes, but not really.  ...not the adult stuff.

12. Thanks to the internet, manga sales, as well as anime or other forms of entertainment media, have been plummeting.  Many people will download these things, or simply view them without downloading, without paying for them.  With these companies not getting their money, many of them have already had to close down.

13. Sorry, nothing.
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Offline Banshee

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 07:57:40 pm »
1. Female

2. 38

3. Yes

4. Not much anymore, read a lot before Manga really got going over here.

5. Perfer manga hands down.  The topics and plots are much more varied.  Most of the comics I read were superhero based, and that was all I could really find in them without reading somethink like Archie (funny) comics.  Manga has more complex story lines and different setting, be it present day, another world, has magic, or mecha.

6. Men

7. Not even close.

8. I can't say I have ever seen ANY comic really marketed for women.  Nothing main stream anyway.

9. Not really

10. Manga with out a doubt.  Like I say manga plot lines and stories are way more diverse.  They can take place anywere at any time.  Some deal with everyday events like making it though high school, a death in the family, food/wine, etc.  While others are about magic, monsters, other worlds, ninja, end of the world.  Most comics are just about superheros.

11. Can't say that I ever really have.  I have thought about doing so for some of the series that were started over here and then cancled, mostly stuff that died when Tokyopop went under, just to see how the story ended.  If I could buy it I would.  I firmly believe in supporting the artist.

12.  I think they are doing okay though things could be better.  I got into manga just about 10 years ago so there wasn't a lot out there.  Things really picked up for a while, but when the ecomony tanked it looked rather grim.  I finally feel like things are start to get stable again.  Nothing like it was but better then it could be.  Instead of the market being flooded with lots of the same-old, same-old the companies that are left are starting to get a better varity of stories, though at a lower volume of releases per month.  I'll take higher quality over higher quanity anyday.

13.  I know that a lot of people are into downloads, e-readers, and just reading on line.  As what feels like one of the few people left who prefer actual books I'm not to crazy about the new trend. Yes I realize it's not going to go away, but I prefer reading off the page to reading off the screen old day.   

Offline kittykat1blabla

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 11:30:16 pm »
1) What is your gender?
2) What is your age?
3) Do you read manga?
4) Do you read comics?
5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
Manga, comic book have never really drawn my interest before.
6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?
7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
No way.
8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
Not really, no.
9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
No, I don't think so.
10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
Manga all the way, all the comics I've heard of (all of the popular ones) have really repeating plots and aren't very interesting or appealing to me.
11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
All the time. I'm too poor to buy books or anime.
12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
No, people have been too busy downloading to buy anything, and well, places have to close. Shonen(?) Jump stop printing only last month because not as many people were buying their issues, became an online thing.
13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!
No, I hope this helped. :D
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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2012, 12:06:30 am »
1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
I don't really prefer either, though I do like the details put into the art and the coloration of comics, I still like the story and plot lines of mangas.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
Not most, but definitely some.

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
I think its a general catagory, but a lot of the time its mostly towards men.

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
Sometimes, yes. But a lot of good comics end up canceled because publishers don't find them "profitable".

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
Probably Manga, comic's are mostly popular for their heroic tales, Manga can contain any story, magical fantasy or realistic fiction.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
Yes, it was licensed, I usually don't have much funding to buy manga, but I buy it when I can. I prefer holding a book in my hands. Less eye strain.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
I think the manga industry has grown a lot, despite the less selling thanks to free websites.

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!
Manga really appeals more to newer audiences, younger ones. Comics are things that can be classic tales passed down through generations. I think Comics hold a special place for me because of their meaning. One story, like elfquest  ;) can bring parents and children together for a heart warming tale of adventure. While that could be the same with Manga, you just don't find it as often that parents share their favorite manga stories with their children.
Hope this helped!
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Offline bBlackHat

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 07:37:22 pm »
1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
Not really, I appreciate the various art styles and both tell a story. I dislike any comic in colour though.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?
If you take comics as SOLELY superhero, like Marvel and DC comics, then men. However, I find plenty of comic books that could take either. (For future reference, any time you say comics I assume it means only american comics, not comics and manga. Not sure if you meant both.)

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most women?
It appeals to me just fine, but I can't really speak for others.

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
Not in the slightest haha.

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
Comics don't really seem as popular as they once were, so I'd say no.

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
You have to dig a little, but comics are very diverse. Manga is a lot easier to access a wide variety of genres.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
Unlicensed usually, or something I started reading at the library.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
I just recently got into the whole manga craze, so I can't say much. Didn't have much time as a 9 year old to observe industries haha.

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!
Not really no.

Offline lanfanandsophie

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2012, 04:12:54 pm »
1) What is your gender?
2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?
Just the 'funnies'.

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
Comics seem to tend to be more action/superheros and I'm just not into that. Manga has a bigger variety of themes. Though I think theres plenty of comics with other themes...I just don't read them.
6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
Manga. Just from experience. Manga has more storylines and comics mostly seem to be about superheros.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
Just licensed.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
I recently got into manga, so i couldn't say.
13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!

Offline Kdskc

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2012, 06:05:31 pm »
1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
Personally, I prefer manga, although I have not read any American comics (unless you count the 'funnies' in the newspaper).  Many American comics have a sort of "goofy" style to them or are too realistic for my liking.  American comics also have a lot of superhero themes and such, while manga isn't usually centered on that sort of thing.  Also, manga to me has more of a whimsical and artistic feel to it.  All in all, American comics just don't appeal to me nearly as much as manga, although I do appreciate and recognize creators and fans of both.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?
Comics appear to appeal more to men than women, although I know that it appeals to many women as well (my mother included).

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
I suppose.

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
No, I don't.

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
I think so.

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
Manga.  Comics seem to be centered mostly around superheros and are aimed mainly towards men (I know that there are many other kinds of comics than just superhero comics aimed towards men, but to someone who doesn't read that sort of thing, that is how it appears).  Manga has so many different genres/styles and is aimed at many different audiences.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
I have, but I usually read it from the library.  I'm pretty sure it was licensed.  I don't remember.  Sorry!

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
Considering I was three 10 years ago, I'm not exactly sure.  Although from what I've heard, the manga industry has grown quite a lot recently.

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!
Sorry, no.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 06:11:48 pm by Kdskc »
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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2012, 06:29:09 pm »
1) What is your gender?


2) What is your age?


3) Do you read manga?

I do :)

4) Do you read comics?

Since I was a small child

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.

I wouldn't say I prefer one over the other, so much as it really depends to the last detail what comic/manga I am reading.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?

Stereotypically, I think comics are thought to appeal more to men since their introduction. I definitely know more men than women that are actually into comics.

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?

Nope. Most women seem to be put off by the scantly clad women in comics, as well as how they still seem to be "subservient" to men ( I myself disagree but in a discussion class in college this is the conclusion most came to. People will find anything to complain about these days.) Manga I think appeals more.

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
I think they are at least to some degree but I think most would disagree.

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
More so now days. They are getting better

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?

It really depends on what you read. Manga tends to handle most abroad countries while most comics tend to deal with America (Not always true.) But specific subjects I think either could be, depending on which is selected.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
I do frequently, and whether or not it is licensed depends on the website. Most of it is, but I don't know which aren't.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?

I personally feel about the same towards it as I always have. I haven't really seen a difference. I guess one thing would be that they are excepting different, more broad subjects than they might have a few years ago. They seem to be loosening up, if Benjamin's "Remember" taught us anything :DDD

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 10:49:45 pm »
1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?
Only a little. I'm highly selective.

4) Do you read comics?
Highly selective, but the very few I read, I am really into and collect.

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
I prefer American comics, but not even many of those... the American comics I prefer are classics (some with modern adaptations), and even then, I only read about 5 titles, all crime-fighter based. Not superhero. I find superhero themed comics funny and entertaining, but obvious and predictable. I also can't relate to superhero characters. Crime-fighting graphic novels are more gritty and tragic and difficult in that the characters can be bruised and abused and hurt inside. I also relate more to them, because I like noir culture and as an American, I like to support other Americans.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?
It's a split. I think, obviously, select genres appeal more to men or women, boys, girls, etc. But I don't think there's that much of a gender split in general.

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
I think the Manga comic book industry may appeal more to females in general, at a glance ,to those who are unfamiliar with it. And I think the American comic industry highly appeals to boys ages 13 to 18, at a glance. Even for women who like American comics, it's a constant uphill battle to break gender stereotypes and open up more to female readers.

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
No. Manga comics are marketed to males and females as their genres point. American comics are marketed almost completely towards men, and women that like the comics, just "happen to like them".

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
Manga does a much better job at reaching out to different types of people than American comics do. Manga can be highly offensive to gender and annoyingly cliche and over-dramatized, but it has a far greater variety and there's always a title one can find that one connects with.

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
Manga is more diverse. With Manga, as I said above, there is stereotype, cliche, narrow-mindedness; but far less so than with American comics. Although, the school theme is overused in Manga and is quite tiresome and cliche... In the defense for American comics, the comic industries are trying hard to become more diverse, but because of the nearly 100 years of past comics that speak otherwise, it's going to be difficult for them to break that mindset about such comics in people.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
Never did. Never will. Only comics I have digitally are in the Public Domain.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
I say decently at this time, but if people continue to illegal acquire Manga, it may not do so well in another 10 years...

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!
How many people read Korean Manhwa or Taiwanese Manga? I'm just curious, because those comics are pretty good too and very worth checking into. It may add more diversity to your comic collection as well.

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2012, 11:47:15 am »
1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?
Yes, though primarily Star Wars.

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
Not particularly. I enjoy both. As long as a manga or comic is something that interests me, I'll read it. I don't necessarily enjoy one more than the other-- though I'll admit that I enjoy the length of a manga more than a dozen-paged comic book.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?
Honestly, that's a hard one for me to answer, but I'd say that they tend to be directed more towards men. I don't see many comics that look like they're trying to appeal to women.

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
That's another one that's very hard for me to answer. I can't really say to be, honestly; I'm not really sure.

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
For the most part, I don't believe so. As I mentioned already, I rarely see an American comic book that looks like it's trying to appeal to women. They are out there, yes, but not as readily as those that seem to be trying to appeal to men.

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
I mostly just read Star Wars comics (which are mostly from Dark Horse), so I can't say for certain. Star Wars appeals to both men and women, so I'd imagine that the comics do as well. As would mainstream super hero comics, I would think. Other than that, I don't really know as I don't read much of anything but Star Wars when it comes to American comics.

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
In genre, I'd say that they're both roughly even. They both can take on a variety of different stories, characters, settings and so on.
Gender-wise, probably not so much, as I've mentioned above a few times.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
Yes, I have. And no, this manga has not been licensed in the states. It's all fan work.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
I can't speak for how it is doing in Japan, but in the US it's definitely taken a big hit. Look at all of the manga publishers that have closed down or have sold off their licenses to other companies. Even Bandai has stopped all publishing of manga (as well as pretty much everything else they've done). There used to be quite a few publishers, but now I can only think of two or three. It's sad.

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!
Nothing off the top of my head.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 11:47:50 am by Blue Leader »

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Re: Comics and Manga: Survey/Study. Need as many opinions as possible!
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2012, 01:38:59 am »
Hm, by the post date you are probably not collecting this info anymore, but for fun I will answer- =)

1) What is your gender?

2) What is your age?

3) Do you read manga?

4) Do you read comics?

5) Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why? Please explain as much as possible.
I prefer manga- in my personal opinion - it tends to flow better. There can be many panels of just a single moment- to express a feeling/emotion. Whereas I find with comics- like american comic books- it's more screen shots with some text. I don't get an amp-ted up moment type of feeling from american comics- they just feel- stagnant.

6) Do you think comics appeal mostly to women or men?
The american comic world I find is aimed mostly at men- while woman are being thought about more now. In Japan- they have manga for men and woman, and I feel it's split almost evenly- maybe a bit more towards woman- just because there is so more shojo (or appears to be) but I know there's a lot of shonen

7) Do you think the comic industry as a community appeals to most woman?
American comics- again not really- but it's being worked on

8 ) Do you think comics are marketed to women?
Same answer

9) Are publishers doing a good job making comics that reach out to a broad audience?
I don't read american comics so I can't give a fully educated response to this one. I'm not sure.

10) Do you think manga or comics are more diverse? If so, why?
Manga. I pretty much explained this one in why I like manga over comics. All the comics I see are all super hero action comics- muscley men and musclye women. With manga- I find a wide variety- you can pretty much find whatever cross over of genre you want.

11) Do you ever read scanlated manga? If so, is it manga that is unlicensed where you live, or licensed?
Yes I do, though I prefer holding the manga in my hand. If I really love a series, I will start buying it/collecting it and not read it online anymore. I read a lot of manga online because it is not licensed, I read some licensed just because I cannot afford it or it's such a huge series it'd take forever to collect.

12) How do you personally think the manga industry is doing now compared to how it has done in the past 10 years?
I think it's much better. Manga is more main stream now, so they know more of what they are doing- a alot of it in part of because they now know their customers base and what their customers like. They know which way to flip manga- how much to change, etc. (Just like the way anime evolved from crappy dubbing's and child ratings, to get dubbing and keeping the material and original rating/Japanese cultural content)

13) Anything else you have to say, ask, or think might be useful!

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