So of course i got ahead of my self and made LED panels..... for my arm sleeves and I read up more about EL panels .... seems like the smarter thing to do .... but it also seems like its an easier way out .... and dont take this the wrong way if you use or have used EL panels for any costume i just mean i like making something and saying I made that if you understand but i do think the EL panels would look better.....
Additional info
Cosplaying as len kagamine
- LED panels i have already spent money and time making them
- LED panels not as much widespread light more pinpoint light
- LED panels take up more room and require me to cut out fabric glue fabric and have a higher chance of me making a mess of things
- LED panels i can set to be sound actived....
- EL panels apparently do not show up well in (most) pictures
- EL panels are easy to apply less of a chance of my making a mess of things
- EL panels are already made
- EL panels Seem to last longer on less battery
SO basically im torn between these two options so I am asking your opinion which would you do EL panel Or LED panel?
Or i could use the LED lights for buttons and use the EL panels for the sleeve designs