Here's a list of what I currently have for Vocaloid (though I'll probably get some more): (sorry if you already have any of these)
Hide and Seek (seeU) (the only Korean song I listen to at the moment.
Kin no Irihi ni Tefuukin (Accordion in Golden Sunset)
Circus Monster
Stardust Utopia
Lying and Lying (Lily)
Most Mothy-P (Akuno-P) Evils Kingdom Vocaloid songs:
moonlit bear
((Still looking for "Abandoned on a Moonlit Night/Okizari Tsukiyo Shou"))
Chrono Story
Madness of Duke Venomania
Repulsive Food Eater Conchita (Akujiki Musume Conchita)
Twiright Prank
Daughter of Evil
Servant of Evil (standard and classical versions)
Regret Message
Daughter of White
Tailor Shop on Enbizaka
Corruption Judgment
Heartbeat Clocktower
((Still looking for Hakoniwa no Shoujo, and I still need to look at the Mothy songs I'm less familiar with.))
Other Mothy-P:
Nemurase Hime Kara no Okurimono (Gift of Princess Sandman)
Gobamne no Piero (Five the Pierrot)
And that is all that I have in my karaoke folder that I use when having Mew or VY1V3 sing one of those songs instead.
I also have Ikimono Gakari songs "Yell" and "Joyful" instrumental tracks.
I will see about getting more Mothy-P karaoke tracks (I don't know why I love those so much). And.. I... I totally have Antichlorobenzene. Somewhere. I made VY1V3 sing it, so I have it, somewhere. If only my voice was a little higher, I'd sing it myself.
But yeah. I'll print out a couple copies of a list with the numbers for all the songs or something when I bring it. I probably won't grab TOO many more karaoke tracks. Or maybe I will. XD I don't think that what I want will overlap too much with what anyone already has, though I will try to grab popular anime opening and closing songs as much as possible. No clue what you guys already have as far as that goes, but who cares? It's a thumb drive, and I'll have a list for you of what's on it.