Author Topic: Denmarks WORLD MEETING 2013 OUTSIDE OF CON  (Read 5521 times)

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Offline denmark518

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« on: September 05, 2012, 10:36:30 am »
Okay so I know that it's early but I wanted to get this up before someone dose it. So I've been in the world meeting for the past two years as a attendee and I have to say 2011 was way better then 2012 and I just think things can be better so here it is. This meeting will be open to all you don't need to sign up for a spot in the panel. I'm going to try and run it as Denmark and I will have my Prussia and Norway/England by my side to help. We need topics still and they will be posted later but if your interested in this panel let drop a reply and if I get enough people wanting this to happen I will put in for the panel to be in the con. Seeing how so many people are getting pissed at me for this I want to make it clear that this was an IDEA not a real thing and I'm not going to say what I did wasn't wrong but still I think this would be a fun thing I didnt really want it in the con but if over 100 people said that they wanted in then I was going to try and get it in the con but if not it would be set in a remote place where we could all hear each other. P.S. if your just going to rant on this then dont even post cause I dont want to hear or read it.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 06:14:34 pm by denmark518 »
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Offline Titus_Love_Doll

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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 10:39:14 am »
^ I love this idea I really think this years was horrable and sad. from what i heard from people about haveing to sign up on the fourms. it made me upset becuse i think pannels should get everyone involed becuse its not fun if your sitting there and cant get into it as well

Offline Nando-KiT

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« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 12:12:27 pm »
hey now lets not be downers on the panel, they did a good job considering they had two panels and it was just them. the problem with this years panels were the fans and crowds if anything
It all started with the knee.

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Offline Titus_Love_Doll

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« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 03:04:57 pm »
^ is not downing anyone.I am just stating becuse people signed up in advance there wasent a change to get other hetalia cosplayers into the pannel and be involed. Theres alot of great things about the pannel but i had many friends really upset becuse they couldnt get in or involed when they have no internet or a chance to get in and sign up about time we change things so everyone can be involed maybe
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 03:09:42 pm by Titus_Love_Doll »

Offline KyoKyo866

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« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 04:41:21 pm »
First off. What. This was sort of our thing.

Second, Eveeryone was allowed to participate, just the people on the forum got to be in the front. you know, first come first serve. We werent excluding anyone and we tried to get to everyone.
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Offline prussia

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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2012, 05:03:07 pm »
danmark wat. wat. WAT. why do i keep gettin pulled into this crap. i told you guys its kinda those other guys panel! like dude! i'd be pretty pissed if someone at scon tried to replace my prussias playtime panel!

Offline prussia

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« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2012, 05:04:16 pm »
and nando i thought you were just making that FACE panel wat. i am... wat i dont know. i guess i'll do whatever i have to but juirkgdfjjiokgfnbewhisrfokdjbeirjfokjabshjiklgfhijfokbgjnfio jibberish moment jgkjhjriodkgf

Offline @random

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« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2012, 05:08:02 pm »
Just something worth noting: Programming decides who runs what based on a lot of different factors, but I'm pretty sure that who starts threads first in the forums isn't one of them. Everyone is welcome to start their own. We don't encourage duplication, but if different groups are competing for the same idea and don't feel it's possible to work together, the threads should be kept separate.

Also, please note that discussion of off-forum disputes should be kept to a minimum. Everyone is absolutely welcome to try to improve panels by soliciting feedback and participation, throwing out ideas, discussing what they think will make their panel good, etc... but disparaging (or defending) others' panels doesn't accomplish that goal.

(For that matter, I also seriously doubt that it impresses Programming. But that's just my personal opinion.)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 05:38:36 pm by @random »
This is my serious voice. Otherwise, I'm just another anime fan, not a moderator.

Offline TsunderePrussian

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« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2012, 05:29:54 pm »
As Kyo said; you're kinda stealing our world meeting thing. You can't just steal that from us.

Also, I agree. 2011 was better than 2012 in a few ways. But 2012 was still fine. The one on Day 1 was horrible but it was horrible because nobody would actually listen and everyone was not following the rules (you have /no/ idea how disrespectful that was). I was actually really worried about it just being Kyo and I this year because I actually am a very shy and nervous person, but to be honest it went well for just us two this year. The one on Day 2 was actually pretty good. I was very happy with the results on that one, especially after the night before.

Now, to go on about the forums thing. EVERYONE THAT GOES TO THE WORLD MEETING IS ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. The people who signed up on the forums sign up as 'nations' and are assured a spot in the panel and are recognized first as that 'nation'. So say an America signed up (and actually showed up), they would be the first one recognized as America. But that doesn't mean any other America cosplayer in the audience isn't any less America than the one that signed up. You understand how 'Ask a Nation' panels work yes? The people sign up to be the nation for the panel, and it's a similar process for the world meeting except they sit in the front row. Also, we don't care about duplicates because WE WANT EVERYONE INVOLVED. The people who sign up are just recognized as their nation first! But EVERYONE is suppose to participate and get involved! That does not though in any way mean they should speak without raising their hand. THAT'S A RULE THAT YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO RAISE YOUR HAND TO SPEAK. 

Once more, ANY HETALIA COSPLAYER IN COSPLAY AS A NATION CAN GET INTO THE PANEL AND BE INVOLVED. The only reason they wouldn't get in is if we ran out of seating space, which we did on Day 1 (which was a poor example of the world meetings) but on Day 2 we still had lots of space in the room.
You do /not/ have to sign up on the forums to attend the panel. You sign up on the forums to be the 'recognized nation' for whoever you're cosplaying. But that does not mean that if an America signs up and you come (not signed up as a nation) as America that you won't be recognized as America, because you /will/. Any America cosplayer that comes is America, the one that signed up is just recognized first.

If you're just sitting in the panel not saying anything or getting involved, that is your own fricken fault. I even at one point during the Day 2 world meeting asked why I kept seeing the same hands and called everyone else un-awesome in character. Because nobody was really participating, I kept seeing the same people talk each time. That's no fun, we wanted everyone to get involved and participate (while of course still following the rules).

Furthermore, you have /no/ idea how hard it is to actually run these things. Kyo and I have to put ourselves out there for the panels to try and make people have fun. It's not an easy job whatsoever. Also, if you noticed, we drank a /lot/ of water because it's so easy for us to loose our voice. My voice is still gone from the con and world meetings and I've been doing everything to get it back and it still hurts to talk. We also (Kyo mostly, bless her) spend MONTHS working on the paperwork for the World Meeting and topics and fun things to do to try and make things different each year. Also, DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CONTROL FANS WHO DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO THE RULES AND DO THEIR OWN THING? I was /disgusted/ by the way some hetalia fans/cosplayers acted this year at the con alone. Most people were very respectful and wonderful people, but the few that made things horrid stuck out more. Do you understand how stressed we get about the world meeting(s) each year? It took us (Kyo in particular) so long to finally find the courage to feel comfortable to run the world meetings. SO PLEASE DON'T GO THINKING THIS IS SUCH AN EASY THING TO RUN AND HANDLE.
But also, don't think that we don't want to do these. We wouldn't go through all that we do if we didn't like doing these. We love running the World Meeting(s), and we love it when everyone has a good time, and gets involved, is respectful, and things go wonderfully. Also, these last few times I've had to go through the lines and find the nations that signed up myself and do you understand how unpleasant that feels? Especially when we get a small room and a huge line (such as the world meeting at Sakuracon this year where I felt horrible about how many people couldn't get in.)

So all in all, everyone is allowed to participate. We want everyone to be involved. You sign up to be recognized as the nation fist but all nations are recognized and you don't have to sign up to get into the world meeting but those who sign up as a nation are assured to get in the world meeting if they actually show up. The audience as well as everyone needs to listen to the rules and be respectful. World Meetings are hard to run but we enjoy them and are mostly the reason we still go to conventions. Lastly, please do not steal our thing after one small hiccup.

Please understand I'm not trying to be rude. I'm simply stating that you seem to misunderstand the world meetings and I just want to explain what we do.
We don't mind feedback on our panel or if people suggest things for improvement but you aren't understanding the panel it seems, and Kyo has been doing the panel with others and I have helped for two years now at three conventions and we continuously strive to improve the world meetings.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 05:54:46 pm by TsunderePrussian »

Offline Titus_Love_Doll

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« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2012, 05:57:05 pm »
Edited )

I got no comment becuse i cant think on what to say just going to remain quiet on this one due to i dont want to get into an agument just wanted to state work togeather as a team and it will work !
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 06:13:32 pm by Titus_Love_Doll »

Offline prussia

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« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2012, 06:03:27 pm »
the other prussia is extremely right!
it takes a mass amount of courage to run ANY panel with audience participation! and its been the panel they've run, and was originally their idea! it sort of is stealing their panel!
i was getting really pissed off at some of the cosplayers, even though i was an audience member! some of them were really asking more inapropriate questions and getting out of hand!
i know how it feels to not have many others want to participate! i ran a hetalia improv panel at a smaller convention literally 6 people wanted to come play improv games with us! it put an amazing amount of stress on us running the panel! we had to  come up with alot of things to make up for what wasn't going on!
and denmark should have talked to the people who usually run the panel and maby give suggestions for improvement rather than going straight in and trying to take over without consulting anyone!
i would be extreemly offended in the position of those who've run the panel for previous years!

Offline TsunderePrussian

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« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2012, 06:07:24 pm »
@prussia : Thank you so much for agreeing.. u_u <3 I'm glad you understand. I wish I could have attended your panel at Sakuracon, it sounded like so much fun but it was already full. >3< I would love to talk with her and see what she has to say. c:

@Titus_Love_Doll : Did you....even read what I said? I don't mind talking with them because they all seem very nice and we would love to get suggestions, but.....really did you actually read what I said?

Offline Titus_Love_Doll

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« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2012, 06:09:34 pm »
@prussia : Thank you so much for agreeing.. u_u <3 I'm glad you understand. I wish I could have attended your panel at Sakuracon, it sounded like so much fun but it was already full. >3< I would love to talk with her and see what she has to say. c:

@Titus_Love_Doll : Did you....even read what I said? I don't mind talking with them because they all seem very nice and we would love to get suggestions, but.....really did you actually read what I said?

you psoted while i was posting didnt get a chance to go and read. I just got done reading. it

Offline prussia

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« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2012, 06:11:40 pm »
@prussia : Thank you so much for agreeing.. u_u <3 I'm glad you understand. I wish I could have attended your panel at Sakuracon, it sounded like so much fun but it was already full. >3< I would love to talk with her and see what she has to say. c:

oh gee, it was very fun! we're planning to have more people running it and a much bigger room. i couldnt get into your panel either ^^" 15 people away from the door. heh, but we're planning to get a bigger room for next year and hope you can make it in man!
and gee, it is VERY stressful to even just stand there and forget the name of an improv game then have to look at a paper. it was VERY nervewracking to run the panel. so i know where you're coming from.
if i had even half the clue how many people would want to come, and would have had experiance running a panel before i would have gotten a bigger room. our room fit 60 people, we're going to get a room fitting 150 people this year and see how that works
(we've got prussia(me) fem!prussia fem!germany england america, and our original germany may be backing out on us....)

Offline Titus_Love_Doll

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« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2012, 06:21:14 pm »
I love you denmark I want to say out side of the con would be a good idea for those who cant get into the pannel like they did with the ball. and had one out side i think it would be alot of fun to do another one out side. And sorry sweetie if you feel attacked i understand you are not trying to take over a pannel and I dont understand why people just cant sit and talk about this then post things that feel as if they are attacking you but I dont think they mean any harm so no worries ill help you out if you wannah do an outside con thing I think it would be alot of fun to do.

Offline prussia

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« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2012, 06:24:44 pm »
I love you denmark I want to say out side of the con would be a good idea for those who cant get into the pannel like they did with the ball. and had one out side i think it would be alot of fun to do another one out side. And sorry sweetie if you feel attacked i understand you are not trying to take over a pannel and I dont understand why people just cant sit and talk about this then post things that feel as if they are attacking you but I dont think they mean any harm so no worries ill help you out if you wannah do an outside con thing I think it would be alot of fun to do.

i am in no way attacking denmark neither is the other prussia. i am defending their panel because it takes probably ALOT more work then you guys know to run a panel.
2. i am talking this out, and so is the other prussia. its just that they're doing it in a somewhat more distressed way because they KNOW that its unfair to those who've been running the panel previous years. i know that to and thats why i said anything.

neither of us are 'attacking' denmark in any way shape or form.

Offline TsunderePrussian

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« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2012, 06:26:18 pm »
@prussia : Thank you so much for agreeing.. u_u <3 I'm glad you understand. I wish I could have attended your panel at Sakuracon, it sounded like so much fun but it was already full. >3< I would love to talk with her and see what she has to say. c:

oh gee, it was very fun! we're planning to have more people running it and a much bigger room. i couldnt get into your panel either ^^" 15 people away from the door. heh, but we're planning to get a bigger room for next year and hope you can make it in man!
and gee, it is VERY stressful to even just stand there and forget the name of an improv game then have to look at a paper. it was VERY nervewracking to run the panel. so i know where you're coming from.
if i had even half the clue how many people would want to come, and would have had experiance running a panel before i would have gotten a bigger room. our room fit 60 people, we're going to get a room fitting 150 people this year and see how that works
(we've got prussia(me) fem!prussia fem!germany england america, and our original germany may be backing out on us....)

Yeah it can be. >3< But I'm going to try to attend yours next year! I really want to go, and I hope you do well! I'll support you the whole way! c:

Also, Denmark, I'm so sorry I was not really ranting I was just trying to explain I didn't mean to come off as angry I just...I get very defensive over Kyo and she's still stressed out from con I'm very very sorry I'm not angry in any way whatsoever I don't really get angry I'm really sorry. I would love to talk with you though and hear some ideas from you because we really do love suggestions and waegktrnhjgnf I'm so sorry. ;3;
I think it'd be a really neat idea to do an outside thing, and once again I didn't mean to come off as mean or rude or afrhgktrjsf I'm really really sorry.
I always love being around hetalia cosplayers and such and I didn't get that chance this year because I was always so busy running around doing things really I would truly love to talk about things with you I'm sorry I really didn't mean to sound mean I so sorry. ><;

Offline denmark518

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« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2012, 08:01:36 pm »
Whats done is done you guys already hurt me and I really dont want to talk to anyone and it really hurts that MY prussia who asked to be in my panel as prussia would go and do a 180 and act like she was shocked that I'm trying to run my own world meeting..... its things like this that make me not want to go to con ever again. and because of all of this Titus was trying to make things better while I was crying my eyes out cause I felt attacked by people I dont know and my "friends"
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Offline prussia

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« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2012, 08:07:48 pm »
8I ........ denmark im texting you. because that is not what i was aiming for at all......
i can explain my motives and all else.

Offline denmark518

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« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2012, 08:12:42 pm »
8I ........ denmark im texting you. because that is not what i was aiming for at all......
i can explain my motives and all else.

Dont take this the wrong way but I really dont want to talk atm I just want to be left alone
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Offline prussia

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« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2012, 08:17:25 pm »

(Language removed per code of conduct. - @random)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 07:57:49 am by @random »