I was hoping someone would make a progress thread! XD
Well, I have no idea when It will be done, but for years now I've wanted to do some Marvel superhero cosplays, and I was very unsure of what I could do, or even pull off. I knew if I was going to do one it was going to have to have a really big connection with me as a character. After seeing the Avengers so many times, and dabbling in the comics, I've decided on the one cosplay I plan to work on over a long period of time.
This is going to be my baby.
This is going to be the one cosplay I make from scratch that will be so well made, that I could wear it to so many cons, that it will last forever.
So, for Kumori-con 2013, I'll be going as Captain America.
I've decided on the suit he wears in the Avengers, because I rather like it, But the few outfits he has in 'The first Avengers' I may make at a later time.
8D I'm going to be making his shield before anything, so I'll keep progress on it posted here.