Heyo everyone!~
So Kumoricon 2012 we did have a "Forum Meet-up panel" that... Many didn't show up to. But we still had fun, regardless. But now we are planning to make one for 2013, BUT, we are including the lovely Kumoricon Facebook peoples. We are now going to be "Facebook/Forum Meet-Up Panel"
PANELISTS:Washougal_OtakuNando-kiTChromophobicTalaRedWolf33 (Maybe? Haven't heard from her lately..)otakunobody------------------------------------------------
Now some of our activites were: Introductions (since it was very little people we did both panelist and audience), De-motivational poster contest, spam eating contest, and some awards. (Please correct me if I missed things or got them wrong).
Now, lets start brainstorming for next year~
Any ideas you guys have that we can include into the panel?
Ideas for All-Ages Panel:We introduce ourselves (Our real name and forum name), and as well say a fun fact about ourselves.
(Depending on how many audience members we get..)
-One of us panelist will be the
game master (or if we be cool and got Bresslol to be the game master). The game master will distribute cards with roles on them to all participants. The cards:
- 2 Cards will have "Werewolf" on it, meaning you are a werewolf.
- 1 Card will have "Mercenary" on it, meaning you can protect one person during the night phase.
- 1 Card will have "Seer" on it, meaning you can choose one person and see what their role is.
- The rest of the cards will have "Human" on it, which means..Well.. you're a normal person.
-The Game Master
MUST keep track of the roles they gave to whom (mainly just keep track of whose the werewolves, whose the merc, and whose the seer).
-After the cards have been distributed, players will look at their cards,
AND NOT tell anyone what their role is. They will keep the cards, but hidden somewhere on them that no one else can see them.
-After the game master keeps record of whose who, and makes sure the game is ready to begin, the
Night Phase begins.
NIGHTPHASE:-During this time, all participants put their head down, and eyes shut.
YOU CAN NOT PEAK! That is cheating!
-The game master will call the
seer to go first. They will get up, and go around the room and tap who they want. The game master will tell the seer QUIETLY what the person's role is. The seer will then go back to their place, and put their head down and their eyes shut.
-Next the game master will call the
mercenary to go. They will get up, and go around the room and tap who they want to protect. The game master will note that, and the merc goes back to their place, head down, and eyes shut.
-Next the game master will call the
werewolves to go next, and explain to the audience that if they get tapped, they're dead, unless the mercenary chose them. The two wolves will get up, decide quietly by pointing and gestures of who they want to chose as their victim. They will tap who is the victim, and that ends the Night Phase, and begins the
Day Phase.
DAYPHASE:-Everyone stands up. The person tapped can either act out a dramatic death, or simply just go off to the side and claim "I got killed".
-Then the game master will announce that the voting will begin on who they think is the werewolf. The participants will raise their hands and nominate who they think is the werewolf. The game master will then write down the names, and once nominations end, the voting will begin.
YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR ONE PERSON PER DAY PHASE!! The game master will say the name and you raise your hand if you agree to it. One name with the most votes gets eliminated from the game, then you go back into repeat of Night Phase and Day Phase until you see who wins!
- De-motivational poster game
Choose three members from the audience to come up and create a "de-motivational" poster from the shown picture on the screen. Winner gets a prize, plus their caption actually captioned onto the picture and posted on here.
Ideas for 18+ Panel: