how...does everyone know that he really that popular @.@ I mean even I heard of him....just recently this year...I think he likes getting the attention because he just stands there while people take pictures of him.....he just like sailor bubba why do guys who cosplay really popular feaml characters...are really popular them selves...sorry foe getting off topic....just pick a costume....the more cons you go yoo the more costumes you get to you can make all of them....or just go as 3 people in one day or something like that haha
Man Faye is scary, I don't know why anyone would ever want to do that *gouges out eyes*
As I said in the last post I decided that it's going to be Hughes, Lupin, and Greed for Sakura.
you'd make the perfect Hughes o_o
i swear. maybe because you have that goatee-thing in your picture. XD
Haha, that is what most people have told me. I usually have the sideburns as well so that just adds onto Hughes