The Dollars were originally created by Mikado Ryuugamine as a joke, but later he discovered that the organization had grown far beyond his original plan. All of the original founders were frightened of it and deserted the project, except for Mikado. As the gang became more popular, people began using their gang affiliation in order to commit crimes and do wrong. Despite this, Mikado suggested that members start doing good deeds around the city, and as a result these actions were displayed on television (news). Invitations to join the Dollars ceased, as Mikado had decided to stop, but the gang continued to grow relentlessly as a result of Izaya Orihara continuing to send out invitations. Rumors began to spread about the Dollars, profiling them as one of the most mysterious and potentially dangerous gangs in the city.
Who's going?
The Dollars: (
List of Members)
Izaya "
Kanra" Orihara - Smile_Bomb, Spongeekat's friend, Jesse Deen
Erika Karisawa - GwarNekoChan (very good chance of happening)
Celty Sturluson - CrystophSandpape
Izaya Orihara - Kane, Azuraschampion, Lunes, TheMadHattress
Shizuo Heiwajima - Otaku_24, TheMadHattress's cousin, Twitch
Shizuo "
Shizuka" Heiwajima - Smile_Bomb's friend, Spongeekat, Jesse Deen
The Yellow Scarves: (
List of Members)
Masaomi Kida - agpgirl, Teddy_Bearxx's little brother
Fem Masaomi Kida - Spongeekat's friend
Yellow Scarves member - Teddy_Bearxx
The Blue Squares: (
List of Members)
Others:Shinra Kishitani - hawk222
UPDATEThe Durarara!! photoshoot will take place on Day 2 (Sunday) at 6:30pm at the clocktower. We will meet as early as 6:30 and wait at least 5 minutes for cosplayers making their way to the shoot from the Cosplay Competition or other panels. The shoot will go on for as long as it needs to (no longer than 30-45 minutes, most likely).