Author Topic: Portland Hetalia cosplay group informative's and rules-  (Read 4056 times)

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Offline prussia

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Portland Hetalia cosplay group informative's and rules-
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:09:18 pm »
currently our cosplay group is called MAYHEM COSPLAY though im not sure if this will change

Hello! as some know at the begining of summer i started a small hetalia cosplay group in portland. first meet begining at powels. though i've noticed the group has grown! and i'd love for it to continue to flourish! anyone is welcome to join our group!
but we do have a few guidelines that will be listed later!

we have a meet around once a month, and we're open to anyone who'd like to come! the meets are always posted up on the forums a week or 2 in advance. we have 2 major administrators, me and ball sack
keep in mind we ARE a cosplay group, ALTHOUGH you may come causal or not in costume at all if you'd like! and you don't have to come to all the meets, you may go to one or none or all of them! c:

because our group has turned into something with multipal meets we're deciding our cosplay group has become more open and we're working on making a tumblr page for the portland hetalia group. i will post on this thread when its finished.
i'm just going to restate it again, since it's been done before a while ago, a reminder would be good for now.
we are VERY open to anyone who'd like to join us. its a great place to meet morials, NOT MATESPRITS AND KISMESIS.
(for reference on what i mean read here im not going into detail. )

we are very friendly with other groups in portland (specifically portlandstuck, whom we thank greatly for their hospitality and friendlyness to the hetalia group.) and we're very VERY open to others joining our group. even if its someone new to hetalia or have left hetalia or are trying to get into new things from other fandoms, or just know some people in the group and would like to do things with them!

we tend to be quite casual when we're cosplaying in portland. some of us DO go full out costume so don't be shy on doing that!

feel free to talk to people in the group!! we can be very friendly. and are currently a nice small group.

we play games at almost every meet we have and have quite a bit of fun in portland.

also there are 2 major administrators who run the cosplay group ( keep in mind when we say cosplay group we mean- cosplay preferred but not required. ) me, and mckinzy (alot of people just call me prussia, though my name is Lydia.) and we NEVER have a meet without one or both admins.
we take care of our group in the best way possible.

keep in mind that although we are very open we DO NOT PUT UP WITH BAD BEHAVIOR.  when coming to the meets people are expected to act in a way that isn't putting anyone in danger, and isn't disturbing the public! like i said we are very open but we do expect the people in our group to not be running around batshit crazy. below is a list of importaint things to remember at meets. alot of jokes are alright but if someone has a problem with it we WILL ask to stop. if it causes problems then you'll probably be asked again before being asked to leave. we DO NOT want to be an offensive group.


1. you get one warning, and then you're out. if behavioral issues persist of a specific person they will be dealt with and fixed ASAP.
warning as in if you disturb the peace, disrespect venues, disrespect others at meets, antagonizing with incorrect pronouns, FLAGS TOUCHING THE GROUND (if you want to sit bring a blanket not a flag! this is very disrespectful even if you don't mean it to be! alot of us don't bring flags. its best to just NOT BRING A FLAG) being in character in a way thats hurting others, lieing to others, making sexist, racist, degrading, or triggering jokes. etc.

If there's a major/borderline major problem such as theft. assault (in any manor). pedophilia. intentional harm to ANY other in the group in ANY way. becoming a major threat to the group. etc. etc.

we know whats right and whats wrong and what is breaking moral standards. i come from a family friendly con and i intend to keep my cosplay group as such.
not to mention i WILL NOT allow people to give the fandom a worse name than what it has now. its for people who're
2. Reminder- if someone does have a problem with someone in the group we will keep close eye on them. if inapropriate beheviors percist than we will ask them to leave. if you have a problem with anyone in the group come to me (the very tall, often prussia cosplay) and/or mckinzy (the shorter older italy/canada) if you cannot identify either of us. i am a female and im (so far) the tallest person in our group.

any questions, suggestions, or comments please add here.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 07:07:39 pm by prussia »

Offline grunnychan

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Re: Portland Hetalia cosplay group informative's and rules-
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 01:39:01 am »
Hello, I was wondering if this cosplay group is still meeting up, and if so when and where's the soonest meet up?

Offline prussia

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Re: Portland Hetalia cosplay group informative's and rules-
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 09:06:23 pm »
Hello, I was wondering if this cosplay group is still meeting up, and if so when and where's the soonest meet up?

Unfortunately I've kinda given up on hetalia, as well as the other person who mainly set up the meets with me. and there's a number of other reasons why we haven't met. However if you ever want to make a cosplay meet I'd suggest posting one on the forums a few weeks in advance, the time date and place etc.
That's how these group meets started, simple meetups posted on the forums. I'm sorry, and Good luck.

Offline TurboSaiyanJason

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Re: Portland Hetalia cosplay group informative's and rules-
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 09:28:34 pm »
Holding a meet is like leaving a fish out to neighborhood cats. Someone's got to provide the place, time, and type of fish, and hope it takes hold.

I'm sure some meets in the past had volatile or subtle friction and static. The wounded emotions make some of the "cats" afraid to take the offer of the next meet, that they might suffer a similar conflict. Some past meets were hot in discussion on screen, but when the day came to hit the stage, a lot of back-outs and similar cases resulted in a smaller than hoped meet. Some with only two or three showing.

Between disappointed organizers of previous no-show meets and scarred former attendees clinging to pockets of their own, would posting a meet seem like anything but futile? Everyone knows everyone (or think they do)...but not everyone.
I'd like to believe that we can bring the fun meets back again. Lay the drama swords aside and cosplay in choice random locations and be worry-less for a day. But who? Where and when? Some can't wait for Kumoricon to come around again.

If you host it, will they come?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:42:40 pm by TurboSaiyanJason »
Cosplays for Kumoricon 2014
Day 1 Fix-it Felix Jr. (w/ gold sledge)
Day 2 Hitmonchan and Kenny
Day 3 SS Future Trunks (DBZ)
Day 4 Jason Silverheart Pirate OC
Sonic The Hedgehog Kigurumi