I'm really upset actually. The costume I was planning on entering won't be eledgable. Since its not necissarily japanese. Its not even really a cannon costume for the character. But the reason it bothers me is because I'm already planning on putting hours of my time into hand sewing the peices for it.
It still bothers me that thats in the rules, considering alot of people put Alot of effort into costumes based on american, german etc. costumes. It kinda sucks cause one of my favorite manga is written by a german artist.
I feel like it'd be more fair to costume artists if they could enter a larger variety of OC's, other comic book characters etc. Though at the same time I understand the rule, seeing as how I'd be a bit dissapointed in seeing someone entering a costume contest with a character from some sort of english scifi series that they simply had to thrift hop to put together.
I know I'm kinda being a dillweed here, but its just something that bugs me. And the start to change is sharing opinion. Not saying the rules will change, I have honest doubts. It'd just be more encouraging to some people to know they can enter the costumes they've put hard work into making, even if they're not necissarily based on japanese characters.
I guess what I'm getting at is that a costume isn't necissarily good just because its 'japanese' its good based on the effort and craftsmanship put into the costume. Costume making is an art. And I feel it shouldn't be restricted. I hope this gets takedn into consideration for next years contest.