Author Topic: New to Artist Alley  (Read 4518 times)

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Offline Lysenis

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New to Artist Alley
« on: April 22, 2013, 05:37:32 pm »
Well this will be my first con ever so I need a bit of info so that I can make my experiance better and so I can do my very best!
So first off, how many people are expected to attend? (This is for the ammount of product I should need made up)

Are there many Chain Maille Artisans that have attended Kumoricon in the past? (If you dont know what I mean by this look at my profile picture of my facebook or blog)

Thank you for your help, I will post more questios as they come to me.
The whats and the knows for Chain Maille

Offline hieis_girl1

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Re: New to Artist Alley
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 08:26:50 pm »
Hello and welcome! I wish you the best of luck getting into Artists Alley!

First off, I'd like to direct you to Our 2013 FAQ Page, in case some of the information on there answers whatever question may pop up for you.

Secondly, last year there were approx. 4,500 attendees throughout the weekend last year.

Thirdly, not many chain maille artisans have sold at AA in the past, only because there have not been many that applied to get in.

Any other questions you have can be left on the thread I linked to above, and I will do my best to answer them as quickly as possible.

AA Assistant Manager
2012-14- Assistant Artist Alley Coordinator
2007-2011- Attendee