Author Topic: Costume Advice  (Read 3353 times)

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Offline Dan the MAN Hibiki

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Costume Advice
« on: October 06, 2005, 01:09:20 pm »
Being a die-hard Soul Calibur player and wanting a change from my manly gi, I was thinking of cosplaying as SCIII Siegfried at the next con that I go to. However, the costume seems rather beastly to make.

Here's some pics:

Now, I don't have much experience with making costumes, and making armor is way outside of my skill range. I know some people who are willing to help, but I'm not really sure how to get started on this. Any advice would be welcome.

Offline Nocturne

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Costume Advice
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 04:12:56 pm »
Sweet momma of Macalania. oO That looks quite tricky. You'll want to do the blue body suit I imagine, which won't be that bad. However, you're gonna need some lightweight metal or a scheme with some papier mache, I think.
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Offline BigGuy

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Costume Advice
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2005, 01:53:31 pm »
yeah good luck with that, someone said something about carpet foam and some kind of tape or laminate that worked for them.
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Offline pinkrandomattack

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Costume Advice
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2005, 01:35:24 am »
man...thats intense.  i woudl say though to try to stay away form paper mache unless you were prepaired to make it the STRONG way...which takes forever.  involving heavy glue and pulpified cardboard plus a coating of mache toilet paper to make it smooth....but yeah. ive heard things about fibergalss.  im sure theres a hot to onine somewhere
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Offline Shinigami Ryuuku

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Costume Advice
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2005, 06:02:10 pm »
Bwahaha!!...Ive made insane armor out of Duct tape and foam ^_^...

okay... The foam I used was a Camping what you sleep on...and then I bound it together with color duct tape.

I used newspaper to make the templates for like my chest and leggings and arms and whatnot.. then I cut it out and used one color of ductape and made the armor then I added more collored duct tape to make it look nice.

If you guys remember that Zabuza with the really big and "Accurate" Knife, I made that by using this style ^_^.

oh you can make the sword too ^_^..out of PVC Pipe, Pipe Insulator Camping pad and Duct tape  woot!

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