Okay basically before the Role Play starts each player chooses what class they want, There is Master, Trainer, Breeder, Ranger, Each has their own perks which help the player, as the players reach each route they 2 choices, they can look for items, pokemon, or a All day training session more details will be spoken of during the game, Now with battle the speed stat says who goes first Atk -DEf, Sp.ATK-SP.DEF when a player has a pokemon attack say Tackle a six sided die is rolled, if 6 its a crit and little extra damage is added but say your pokemon has Atk:10 and opposing pokemon has Def:7 basic roll 3 points damage also with evolving pokemon evolve atthe same lvl, but time based use stones trade evolve at lvl 40.
if you have skype we can talk about with more and if we get more people we could start a session.