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Offline fhqwhgads41185

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Con Positives
« on: September 02, 2013, 03:07:15 am »
I wanted to make a thread to thank everyone who was involved in working at Kumoricon this year, and to have people name things they really liked about how the con was run this year.
My personal favorite  thing about how Kumoricon was run was how efficiently the lines were handled. Keeping doors from being blocked, not letting lines start until 30 min before an event (so there was no worry about getting in line two hours early for major events and having to miss out on some really awesome smaller ones), and how polite the staff were in enforcing such rules. Thank you kumoricon staff! You made this con extremely enjoyable!!
What else did everyone like about how this con was run/put together?
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Offline nerdtastic

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 03:56:22 pm »
I honestly just saw a ton of polite people, holding doors open for each other, and being extremely polite.

No negative con experiences for me!

Offline The_Geek

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 06:17:09 pm »
The staff running crowd control this year seemed to be doing an excellent job.
Whose Line (18+) was very entertaining.

I noticed people in general being polite as well.
Praises should also be sung about that guy giving out free poems.
All in all? Good con.
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Offline EveofAbyss

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 06:30:04 pm »
The Dealer Hall garage was nice and cool! I know this was a massive hurdle the staff strove to overcome, and I think they did a great job of making the garage as pleasant as possible. The prevalence of water and multiple fans was very nice.

Thank you!

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Offline SpaceCubaLikesConan

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 07:03:59 pm »
That REALLY good Joker that got a video of him chasing me when I was Robin!
2014 line-up:

Robin- Young Justice
Sailor Vulcan - Sailor Moon/Star Trek crack crossover
Wiccan - Young Avengers
Allison Argent - Teen Wolf

- BITEcon

Offline meb9000

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 08:48:07 pm »
Yeah, the numerous water stations were much appreciated. Even Sakuracon didn't have those. While I didn't enjoy having to line up outside for the big events when it was so hot outside (though I realize the size of the Hilton required this), the staff was still very courteous about it and they even provided water cups for those of us in the cosplay chess line!

The guests of honor were my favorite part of the con. Chris Sabat and Mr. Haberkorn were 100% amazing!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 09:41:16 pm by meb9000 »

Offline DufenDorgen

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 09:14:04 pm »
MY pack of cigarettes fell out on the bench and was left alone for 20 minuets before I realized they were gone and rushed back there. They were still there and nobody took them. I don't know if it's because everyone was nice, though they were empty or just a bunch of squares.
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Offline Flynn Rider

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 04:00:13 pm »
The raves were amazing and once again I had the time of my life here!

I got to Probend (play dodgeball) Legend of Korra style in full cosplay and that was amazing!

The staffers were excellent and very courteous! This makes me want to volunteer next year!
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Offline chelseahavoc

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 07:49:15 pm »
every one was really nice to each other this year :) even in a very crowded room and people bumping into everyone they always said sorry :)
kumoicon 2013:
day 1: morning- Guu (hare + guu)
day 1: afternoon- Terra (ff6)
day 2: chibi moon (sailor moon)
day 3: Princess Zelda (loz:oot)

Offline VampireFangs103

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2013, 09:39:40 pm »
I want to thank everyone also! :D All the staff and volunteers, and even all the other attendees.

I agree that I just saw an overall large amount of kindness throughout the weekend. For me the Kumoricon environment has always been a fairly kind one (despite a few incidents here and there)- most attendees generally seem to be kind and eager to help and assist. Even with that being said, this year I feel like it was even more so. All I was shown for most of the weekend was kindness- so much kindness that it was almost confusing, knowing I'd have to go back into the "real world" afterwards.

I feel as if the hotel/staff did a good job keeping places cool this year. The days got hot, and I know how hot cosplay can be, with layers and binders and wigs. Every day I wore multiple layers, and one day I was even in a fleece kigurumi. Still, most of the time I was in the actual hotel, in panels and such, it felt cool (especially on my hotel room's hallway). To me the vendors hall wasn't overwhelming hot either.
The park is always wonderful to have. Also, a BIG thank you to the restaurant (Grey's). I'm not sure how many attendees take advantage of their Kumoricon menu, but my friends and I go every night, and boy do they have good food. It's a nice place, and the staff have been the same the past few years. The restaurant staff were all VERY kind and enthusiastic about having us there, and it really was a joy to have Grey's available.

That being said, the hotel staff at all was just lovely and charming to my friends and me! :)

Offline fairly_foxy

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2013, 11:32:16 pm »
Lost a bag of stuff and someone returned it to the lost and found even though the stuff was worth a lot of money.

LOVED THE WATER. That seriously made my life easier. I loved the water.

ALSO LOVED JASON THOMPSON. Seriously I can't stop talking about the wealth of knowledge he had. I was really sad that some of his panels were so empty. He was one of the best guests I have ever been around. He felt so personable and like I said, he knowledge about manga and the industry was fantastic. I hope he comes back next year.

Offline GregAtlas

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2013, 12:15:34 am »
The Dealer Hall garage was nice and cool! I know this was a massive hurdle the staff strove to overcome, and I think they did a great job of making the garage as pleasant as possible. The prevalence of water and multiple fans was very nice.

Thank you!

Couldn't agree more and the resources were well spent. I hope the game room gets the same treatment next year because that tiny room all the games were shoved into was almost hotter than outside at times.

Met a lot of new friends and had a very positive experience rooming with complete strangers that I hope will be life long friends.

Trash pickup this year in the park seemed to be much better, but I would still appreciate it more if people didn't litter in the first place.

Mr. Haberkorn in the Slightly Anime Dating Game... and the face of the prize when she saw that she didn't pick him. So priceless~ ^_^
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Offline PaladinCecil79

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2013, 12:27:10 am »
I really liked the decision to move the dealer room and AA to the parking garage. It's a much more convenient location and I'd like to see it there again next year.
I also like the rule of no lines being allowed to form until a half hour before the event.
It was really cool seeing four voice actors at Kumoricon for the first time and it'd be great to see at least that many next year.
I thank the staff a lot for putting my Anime Christmas panel in the Panel 2 room. The turn-outs I get for it are so big that on many occasions, I've had turn people away after it started, but the size of that room was perfect. I'll submit it again for next year and would like to have it in that room again if they can arrange it. I also appreciated them letting me borrow a CD player for it. Because I come to Kumoricon on train, that made transportation a lot easier.

Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2013, 06:26:34 am »
Lost a bag of stuff and someone returned it to the lost and found even though the stuff was worth a lot of money.

LOVED THE WATER. That seriously made my life easier. I loved the water.

ALSO LOVED JASON THOMPSON. Seriously I can't stop talking about the wealth of knowledge he had. I was really sad that some of his panels were so empty. He was one of the best guests I have ever been around. He felt so personable and like I said, he knowledge about manga and the industry was fantastic. I hope he comes back next year.

May I ask what it was you lost?  My boyfriend and I returned a couple bags and I'm curious if one of them were yours?  We were hoping the owners would find them at the lost and found.

Offline veraca

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2013, 02:06:35 pm »
All of the kindness I saw. During the registration lines the people bringing water to those waiting in line, and the bunches of fans down there in the Dealer's and Artist's area- though they could stand to use more in the Artist's area- considering how warm it was, they did a great job.

I'd like to thank the Subway for having extended hours. I'm sure a lot of people really enjoyed that.
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Offline superjaz

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2013, 03:53:09 pm »
going with great friends and family helps with health issues, as even if you thing your okay your family knows you and can keep ya healthy,
understanding staff of said health issues.

The hard working staff who prevented elevator stuffing and who did their best to keep lines in control and prevent people cutting in lines,

the yojis and attendees who moved away from lines to smoke, I really appreciate that!  I know its hard for smokers these days because no where is smoker friendly,  except outside and then con lines take that away, seeing you all being considerate and inconvienceing yourselves for the sake of your fellow attendees and kids and such is a great thing

« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 09:45:53 am by superjaz »
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline SekushiKomando

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2013, 04:57:45 pm »
Moving the exhibitor's hall back to the parking garage and the games to the Red Lion was wonderful. Almost never a line to check out the dealer's room and plenty of elbow room.

Offline JaegerDarkness

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2013, 05:07:48 pm »
Moving the exhibitor's hall back to the parking garage and the games to the Red Lion was wonderful. Almost never a line to check out the dealer's room and plenty of elbow room.

That's because it was so freaking hot (to me, at least), due to not enough fans or A/C.
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Offline Animeman73

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2013, 06:29:53 pm »
The honesty and helpfulness. I lost my program guide and a nice couple of young people Brandon and Julie found it. We ran into each other on the third floor of the Vancouver Hiilton and they made my day when they returned it. Thanks you two, whoever you are I hope we run into each other again eiother outside the con or at the con next year.
Having the Artists Alley and the Merchants hall in the Garage. An excellent idea.
Having Otaku 25 and over in one of the larger rooms. It allowed for more people and it was a better location. If you could arrange something liek thsi for next year I'd appreciate it. And i know Acton would appreciate it.
Having four voice actors ators ar the con and getting to meet Christopher Sabat after I missed him at Sakuracon.  Nxt year I'm hoping you can [perhaps get Kyle Herbert to the convention.
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Offline fairly_foxy

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2013, 07:11:25 pm »
Lost a bag of stuff and someone returned it to the lost and found even though the stuff was worth a lot of money.

LOVED THE WATER. That seriously made my life easier. I loved the water.

ALSO LOVED JASON THOMPSON. Seriously I can't stop talking about the wealth of knowledge he had. I was really sad that some of his panels were so empty. He was one of the best guests I have ever been around. He felt so personable and like I said, he knowledge about manga and the industry was fantastic. I hope he comes back next year.

May I ask what it was you lost?  My boyfriend and I returned a couple bags and I'm curious if one of them were yours?  We were hoping the owners would find them at the lost and found.

It was a brown paper bag. It was a mystery bag. It had a raiders t-shirt, a 7th samurai bag, and a clamp collectors thingy.

Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2013, 10:46:42 pm »
wasn't one of the bags we returned but I'm glad you found your lost items.   ^_^

Offline fadadio

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2013, 01:50:33 am »
wasn't one of the bags we returned but I'm glad you found your lost items.   ^_^
did any of those bags contain paint brushes, Mehron makeup, the Kumoricon guides and Ben nye final seal?

Offline princess_of_zeal

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2013, 02:45:04 am »
wasn't one of the bags we returned but I'm glad you found your lost items.   ^_^
did any of those bags contain paint brushes, Mehron makeup, the Kumoricon guides and Ben nye final seal?

No but we only returned two bags.

Offline Valkyrie542

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2013, 05:07:00 am »
I really hope that the vendor's hall stays in the parking garage; there was a lot more room to move around in - no long lines to get inside - and there a LOT more merchandise to choose form. They might need a few more fans, but I wasn't feeling too bad in there; but that was probably because I was wearing lighter costumes and had a folding fan with me.
I also really appreciate the care and thoughtfulness of the staff setting out cups and water coolers throughout the hotel. It was very convenient and it was extremely vital since it was especially hot this year. Some people run out of money before they get to stocking up on beverages and run into a tight spot that can be potentially dangerous. So, thank you Kcon staff for doing that for us!!
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Offline GregAtlas

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2013, 07:30:37 am »
Oh, something I forgot to mention and a huge positive: I never once smelled anybody suffering from con funk. There may have been a little hint of it in the air of the gaming room atmosphere due to the intense heat and humidity, but I never once smelled it directly on another person.
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Offline TuxedoSchwab

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Re: Con Positives
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2013, 10:22:56 am »
The man running Chris Sabot's autographs knew exactly what to do to maintain the line.

Congrats to him.