As an attendee I would freaking love this, but as a staffer, honestly it just feels like a band-aid is being thrown onto something that needs stitches. I heard the reason for a fourth day was not only to compete with PAX, but to deal with the jump in attendance. I don't see how adding an extra day will help with attendance, it seems like a work around solution. We need to get other things in working order as a three day convention, before becoming a four day convention, it's just going to be another day of the same chaos, not a solution to anything.
Like my sister said, she would much rather have a bigger venue and smooth running lines and panels, than an added day of con.
As a response to some things people posted: (from what I have heard):
The badge increase will be no more than $5. In the past when we have gotten bigger, it has only gone up $5)
It will still be Labor Day Weekend and it will not interfere anymore with school than it has already. Day 0 will become day 1. The con will still end two days before school starts, one day for those starting 6th and 9th grade.