Hige your lucky. Mu mother won't let me dye my hair for the con, its not fair.
Yeah at first I wasn't going to dye my hair cause It's murder on the Hair it's self but It all works the best I don't like wearing wigs Escpeially my Edward Elric one, It's to poofy and Itches like heck. . .
*Damn* just thinking about it makes me itch. . .
Also the Wig is just sticks up to much and it just dosn't seam right to me.
So thus I dye my hair for the part. . . I'm uasully a dark blond but makeing it lighter to were I think Ed's looks like Even People at School are like "HEY ED!!!"
lol I loved that ever since then Dyeing my hair is a must. . .
Except for Roy I really don't think I'm going to Cut my hair for that I think I'll just get a really good wig for that. . .
Unless I can't find one. . .Then as a last resort I'll cut my Hair and dye it. . .
LOL I don't think I'll do that. . .*Bad Idea*
For Kabuto from Naruto I might do it. . .That would actually be fun. . .
Nay I'll just get a wig for that to. . .
Kabuto is KAWAII!!!!