Not like this will truly matter since we are going to be bigger venue next year (finally), but I'd like to get feedback yet again for the gaming room this year. LAN was separate from us this time and apparently the Info Booth was not aware of that (tsk tsk.)
+ Rock Band setup that had close to 2000 songs, including some appropriate for the con
+Taiko no Tatsujin was more popular than it was back in 2013
+pop'n music still popular despite being downgraded
+Got to use the projector to showcase some fun games+Two actual arcade DDR pads (complaint from last year, request fufilled this year
+"Security Lock Down" PS3 makes a return
+There was actually a USFIV tournament this time (I think..)
+The "Island" was turned into a back corner
+Smash Bros 4 tournament was set up in an interesting manner
+A bunch of new games were available to play at the con (but sadly I don't think most people played them)
-Back at the Red Lion and space was actually smaller than 2013's (I love the Red Lion though)
-It got pretty hot at times, even with the two doors open
-Supposedly, the building got a new AC unit and it was running on full blast but I didn't feel anything
-Didn't even get to use the projector until the 3rd day and that was at night
-There was a lot of "empty space" in the middle but it was mainly for people watching tournaments (I think it worked out pretty well honestly)
-Stations seemed too close to each other (but maybe that's just me)
-Had some "new" stuff come in, but didn't get used due to space limitiations
-Taiko and pop'n got swapped after some noise complaints
-People hit the left most Taiko drum so hard that it was "out of order" for two days
-Some more of my stuff broke
-Staff wasn't allowed to enter tournaments this time
-DDR tournament at the last minute......literally.
Hopefully next year, they'll give us a lot more space...