Author Topic: Love Live! School Idol Party (2016)  (Read 7766 times)

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Offline MayMagica

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Love Live! School Idol Party (2016)
« on: September 12, 2015, 06:12:22 pm »
We're planning on throwing a Love Live panel at the upcoming KumoriCon! There will be games, dancing, singing and Q/A, and we're sure it'll all be loads of fun. We're hoping to host this on Day 2 (Saturday), so keep us in mind if you'd like to hang out with your favorite idols!

We have a full group for the most part, but we're still looking for an Eli possibly. Contact me if you're interested in the position!

I've also posted this in the "Panels and etc.", let me know if I should just have it there idk
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 11:00:39 pm by MayMagica »
Kumoricon 2016:
Saturday: Umi Sonoda (cheerleader version)
Sunday: Kyoko Sakura (Halloween version)

Offline ghostkomokhiru

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k15?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2015, 09:01:14 pm »
heya heya :33 i do nico nii!!

although, i'm really reluctant to work with other makis because my girlfriend does maki and would get really jealous >O<//

what day were you thinking? i'm in an established 'set character' muse cosplay group called meowsical and we will be submitting our panel application to kumoricon as well. we will be performing in the constellation starry night outfits <33
i might be convinced to rope some of meowsical into doing this depending on the outfits and day! >w< we're super busy with our cosplays but i can almost never say no to being nico in a panellll~ ;U;//

Offline MayMagica

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k15?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2015, 09:09:21 pm »
heya heya :33 i do nico nii!!

although, i'm really reluctant to work with other makis because my girlfriend does maki and would get really jealous >O<//

what day were you thinking? i'm in an established 'set character' muse cosplay group called meowsical and we will be submitting our panel application to kumoricon as well. we will be performing in the constellation starry night outfits <33
i might be convinced to rope some of meowsical into doing this depending on the outfits and day! >w< we're super busy with our cosplays but i can almost never say no to being nico in a panellll~ ;U;//

I was going to do Saturday, since I'm in school so that boots out Friday and I would have to leave a bit early on Sunday. I'd like to use the training outfits, to make it seem like you're hanging out with the idols more casually, but I was also thinking about Valentines Day, No Brand Girls, or Kira Kira Sensation. It would be wonderful if you could come!
Kumoricon 2016:
Saturday: Umi Sonoda (cheerleader version)
Sunday: Kyoko Sakura (Halloween version)

Offline ghostkomokhiru

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2015, 02:29:46 am »
;3;// our panel is going to be Friday!! ^W^ oR AT LEAST UH
we're hoping for that, I don't want to get too hopeful >^<\\ ;;

because my group is a set cosplay group, we do a lot of outfits which leaves my wallet sorta kinda empty .3.//
i don't happen to own any of those, but my group is thinking about doing the valentines day ((the 2014 cardigan with the nicomaki URs in there)) but unless we end up deciding to do those for a shoot or con day, i doubt we'll be doing those this year ;A;

currently, i own ((these are all nico outfits, since she's the only one I do)) white day, constellations, marine/navy, wonderful rush, cheerleader, wedding, unidolised xmas pajamas, winter uniform, summer uniform, and i am kinda leaning towards mogyutto? my gf/my maki has all the matching ones to that if you wanted to possibly consider a different character so we could get all 9/9 girls!
 none of my other muse members have that many outfits though. my hanayo has wedding, cheer and winter uniform, and will be getting constellations! everyone in my group will be getting constellations and everyone but umi and nozomi will be getting white day as they're a tad too busy this year to fit white day in as well. all depends what my group votes on though, honestly! ;w; we have a lil white day group day 2 but we won't be doing anything major as our nozomi and umi have entered the cosplay contest so they can't really do anything day 2 >< sunday, i will probably be doing nico's winter uniform with umaru-chan's hamster cloak on top with my maki in the same thing, possibly a couple other members of our group in the same thing, haha.

but yeah, if you wanted to try another character i could get us a quality maki, possibly hanayo, rin, honoka, kotori, so that would just leave umi and nozomi to fill ,right? ^3^//

i have a backup for either nozomi or umi that if i did some favours for, would be willing to join :3
so if you would want to take nozomi or umi it would mean we'd have a full group! \\>W<// I can vouch for the quality of every single one of these cosplayers as they are part of my group, we have done our best to get accurate heights and stuff too so oUo <33

Offline MayMagica

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2015, 05:08:07 pm »
I'd be happy to play Umi, since this is my first time cosplaying Maki so it'd be better to have someone more experienced for a panel!
 I currently don't have any Love Live outfits, so I'm pretty open to anything. I'd rather something easier to move in as well. I was thinking about Mogyutto as well, but I didn't mention it mainly because I didn't really like Maki's outfit. I quite like the Navy uniforms, but I don't think they're super recognizable compared to other outfits.
Kumoricon 2016:
Saturday: Umi Sonoda (cheerleader version)
Sunday: Kyoko Sakura (Halloween version)

Offline ghostkomokhiru

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2015, 09:16:26 pm »
Wonderful! Then Umi would be awesome ^w^ I'll have my Maki do it then.
Hmm, the navy ones wouldn't be too recognisable at a small con like Kumo. My other LL group did wedding and we didn't get too much attention because no one knew we were Love Live, haha ;;;;;;; Where as at Anime Expo, my Maki and I did those and we got so swarmed for pictures that I was about an hour and a half late to my tokyo mew mew group since I couldn't move x3x//

Mogyutto would be fine, I plan to get that! Not sure about my other members though... the other members will all have constellations, but we'd like to reserve those for our panel if it's okay ;;

We will all have white day, constellations, navy, and most of us should have the school uniforms!
The practice outfits are rather cheap ((40)) as is No Brand ((50)) and Mogyutto is around 75-130 depending on the quality you want!!

I also believe that the navy outfits would be a touch tricky to dance in for everyone but Umi, Nico, Rin and Hanayo, because the jackets are on their shoulders! However if we used pins or something, we could do it :3

Offline ghostkomokhiru

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2015, 09:18:13 pm »
Also, I'm sorry if this is out of context at all ^^ But would you be comfortable giving me your facebook or phone number so we could more easily communicate? ^w^ I don't check the Kumoricon forums much xWx -falls-

Offline MayMagica

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 10:18:11 pm »
It seemed Kumoricon didn't have a very big Love Live fanbase, there was only about 20 people at the "Best Way to Live your Love Live!" panel I went to, and there weren't many cosplayers. So yeah, sticking with more classic costumes would be better probably. Plus even with pins, it's difficult to dance with extra fabric.

Constellations should definitely be saved for your own panel, both should be unique!

I'm still trying to figure out outfit things. I think No Brand is my favorite option right now, as it's a pretty well known outfit and it's one of my favorites. I'm totally in love with the Valentine's Day cardigans though, Happy Maker is stuck in my head, and the cheerleaders are so damn cute, so I'm having a bit of trouble thinking about it. Do you have any preferences?

Mogyutto probably won't be able to happen for me, for reasons I wont go into.
Ah, I also PMed you about the contact info stuff
Kumoricon 2016:
Saturday: Umi Sonoda (cheerleader version)
Sunday: Kyoko Sakura (Halloween version)

Offline ghostkomokhiru

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2015, 10:29:22 pm »
Yeah, I know ;m; It was sad, since the one at AX was so big and I felt super happy that everyone loved my cosplay!!
Ahh, I wasn't at that one, I was the day 1 'Love Live! Kumoricon Idol Festival' panel. We had about... idk 60-70 people? :O

:3 Yeah!! For sure.

I would be down for No Brand. Let me ask my group and see.
The Valentine ones are SUPER cute, I love them a ton.... ;w;// And easy to dance in as No Brand.
Happy Maker I have the skirt already, so~~
I also have cheer and they are easy to dance in! I did the contest in my cheer~~

Will check now~

Offline MayMagica

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Re: Love Live Panel 2k16?
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2016, 10:53:20 pm »
Okay, this panel is pretty well underway! The thing is, I'm worried about our Eli not doing this! If you're an Eli cosplayer, we would love to have you! This panel will include a dance, possibly singing, and you will need to have or buy the Cheerleader Eli costume. It's better if you live in the Portland area, since we'll be having a few practices before the con. If you have questions, either post here or PM me <3

Kumoricon 2016:
Saturday: Umi Sonoda (cheerleader version)
Sunday: Kyoko Sakura (Halloween version)

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Re: Love Live! School Idol Party (2016)
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2016, 05:18:26 pm »
Is there an age range you'd like / prefer for panelists?  It sounds really fun but I've never been in a panel before and I'm a little worried about meeting up because of safety reasons ;v;

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Re: Love Live! School Idol Party (2016)
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2016, 08:48:50 pm »
Super excited for this!! I have a small group of people who are cosplaying Halloween love live characters since the convention is so close to Halloween

Offline MayMagica

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Re: Love Live! School Idol Party (2016)
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2016, 03:17:23 am »
Super excited for this!! I have a small group of people who are cosplaying Halloween love live characters since the convention is so close to Halloween
Thats a great idea, perfect timing with the con! Im excited to see you there, then!
Kumoricon 2016:
Saturday: Umi Sonoda (cheerleader version)
Sunday: Kyoko Sakura (Halloween version)