Hey guys,
Without further ado, here are the teams, as usual ordered as they amused us

Late Night Game - Saturday Night
Black TeamKing:
Joker (Shae)Queen: K
orra (Ash)Bishop:
Rose Quartz (Thais)
Pearl (Jasmine)Knight:
Gintoki Sakata (Joshua)
Roronora Zoro (Alexander)
Touka Kirishima (Sophie) Astrid (Mesa)
Natsu Dragneel (Jeremy)
Leon S Kennedy (Wil)
Krul Tepes (Sarah)
Poland (Makenna)
Black Rock Shooter (Shianne)
Female Protagonist-Persona 3 (Karissa) Sapphire (Stacie)
White TeamKing:
Deadshot (Dylan)Queen:
Harley Quinn (Hannah)
Death Gun (Anthony) Blair (Myquea) Knight:
Robin (Abrahan)
Batman (Mykel)Rook: A
materasu (Kendra)
Goodra (Jessica)
Toy Bonnie (Mayluna)
Bombshell Batwoman (Erin)
Bartolomeo (Corey) C
hin Chin (Dominic)
Papyrus (Thaddeus)[size=0pt]
ikaru & Karou Hitachiin (Emily & Victoria)[size=0pt]
Pre-meet: Sunday, 11:00pm-12:00am. Game starts: 12:30am.
Daytime Game - Sunday Morning
Black TeamKing: T-Rex (Makenna)
Queen: Deadpool (Mykel)
Bishop: Elsa (Beki)
Sheik (Althea)
Knight: Sailor Jupiter (Carlana)
Female Protagonist-Persona 3 (Karissa)
Rook: Rey (Jasmine)
Princess Leia (Stacie)
Pawns: Touka Kirishima (Sophie)
Astrid (Mesa)
Link (Jordon)
Rem (Natalie)
Aisaka Taiga (Lara)
Armin Alert (Emily)
Natsu Dragneel (Nick)
Erza Scarlet (Alina)
White Team
King: Papyrus (Mathew)
Queen: Zechs Merquise (Amanda)
Bishop: Deadshot (Dylan)
Katniss Everdeen (Hannah)
Knight: Kofuku (Kellie)
Alice (Hannah)
Rook: Darth Vader (Joshua)
Kylo Ren (Erin)
Pawns: Ruby Rose (Jeremy)
Mettaton (August)
Tony Tony Chopper (Amanda)
Blue Diamond (Liam)
Sapphire (Elaine)
Bokuto Koutarou (Peyton)
Aoba Seragaki (Athina)
Medusa Gorgon (Sydney)
Pre-meet: Sunday, 8:00am-9:30am. Game starts: 10:00am.
While we had some great entries, we are short 3 pawns for the Late-Night game. We will be looking to fill those spaces at con, so we will be accepting walk-ins at the pre-meet for chess. If you are interested, please come talk to then. If you submitted as a special attack, and your person is on the list, then you have been accepted also.
As a reminder,
all players must attend the mandatory pre-meeting for your game unless you have made prior arrangements with me. If you are not there after 30 minutes (11:30pm or 8:30am), you will be replaced on the board. If you have special attacks, they must be present as well.
Remember, if your cosplay is not complete, you may be replaced.
If you are not on the list, and would like to help out by being a stage ninja/special attack during the game, then come to the pre-meet and we can chat. There are no guarantees that you will be participating. Due to some of the issues we have had in the past, I will more strict on who/how many extras will be allowed.
Email notifications are going out as well, with this same information. If you have any questions, or decide you no longer wish/can participate, please let me know via e-mail or PM, or you can talk to me at con (someone is bound to know where I am).
See you guys this weekend! [/size]