People who attend Spring Time Style Swap will enjoy Free DDR, Live DJ spinning and Open Turntables courtsy of the Frequency 8 Manga Lounge.
Refreshments provided by me. Feel free to bring your own refreshments to share as well. Every little bit helps the cause. :]
<center>[[ STYLE SWAP F.A.Q.]]</center>
<center><u>x What is a Style swap, What goes on at Style Swaps??<center></u>
Fans of Japanese street fashion, Cosplayers, or people who just want to get rid of their clothes come together for a big clothing exchange.
A clothing exchange is when you bring your clothes you dont wear anymore and trade them with others.
Clothes that are of good condition [working zippers, clothes with no holes] are only allowed at swaps. Please refrain from bringing your used panties, old swim suits, clothes with alot of holes, broken zippers, ect. <center>
<center><u>x Can I sell my stuff too?</center></u>
TOTAILY! If you are, please make your items under 10 dollars. The point of a style swap is to trade, not to sell.
<center><u>x What do people wear at these Style Swaps?</center></u>
Anything from Punk style, Lolita style, Decora-chan, Raver, Goth, jeans and t-shirts, even cosplay gear. So feel free to dress up or dress down. </center>
<center><u>x Where will this take place?</center></u>
At the frequency 8 Manga Lounge. [on top of second time around] 4209 University Way NE, Seattle WA 98105</center>
<center><u>x I really want to go, but i dont have a car! What busses will take me there?</u></center>
From downtown Seattle, take the 70, 71, 72, 73 bus. It will drop you off right accross the street!</center>
<center><u>x How much is this event?</u></center>
<center>Absolutly free. Donations are accepted too.
:] </center></b>