Hello fellow cosplayers and costume making veterans, I am a first time cosplayer and costume designer and I'm seeking assistance in a few areas.
Firstly, due to costs and practicallity, I have opted mostly 100% cotton fabrics, but I'm running into some problems with the designs...
This is not my first time sewing, just my first time making and using my own patterns.
The first issue I'm having with this fabric is it's thickness. It's not silky thin, but it is not a heavy fabric. There are certain parts of the costumes (jackets and vests) that need to be much thicker. I'm using this material, but are there any practical suggestions for beefing up the fabric a bit? I have two oversized bags of doll stuffing in my basement that can be used...it there something simpler to work with? I've considered foam for the collars, which need to stand up on thier own, but the options for foam are limited. Should I splurge and buy a different type of fabric for this scenario? Something very thick and fluffy?
The second problem I'm encountering with this fabric is rippling. It keeps shifting when I'm stitching, even under the pins. I've ironed everything before the sewing stage of course, but this seems to be a very problematic fabric to be working with.
Everything is pre-washed and shrunk, I'm taking care with my measurements, I'm ironing before all cutting and stitching....but I've never worked with fabric like this before. Is it easier to sew with or against the seam?
Gah! I feel so lost.
Last question. It pertains to the pants in the outfits. Both pants in the outfits are simple straight legged black form-fitting trousers. They are so simple and ordinary in design that I
could just buy two pairs of black Dickies and be done with it.
My only thought is, will it look silly if some of my costume is home-made and the other parts are store bought? Does anyone have any experience with this particular problem?
I'm just hesistant to buy the pants when I could make them, but at the same time there are costs to consider. Pants would be expensive (atleast, the kind of material I'd need the pants to be made out of), but the fabric would be spendy to buy as well. Would the costumes look mismatched if they were partially homemade?
Any help is greatly appreciated, I'm most niave when it comes to cosplaying. But please keep expenses in mind when you give me advice, I have a very specific bugdet. I cannot exceed a certain amount of money and I need cost effective but reliable solutions to my problems.
Thank you.