Author Topic: I'm sick of seeing . . . .  (Read 31649 times)

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Offline MistressLegato

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:50:51 pm »
You KNOW you think it.  Every time a horde of Naruto cosplayers go by you sigh, they all start to look the same unless they REALLY look good.

What are you so sick and tired of seeing cosplayed (unless it's sdone SO well that they stand out from the horde of generic cosplayers)?  


- Naruto
- Bleach is starting to get there

I'm just wondering what else people think are "over cosplayed."
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

Offline NarutoNoJutsu

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« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2006, 04:09:41 am »
I'm sorry.
It does get quite annoying.
And I cosplay as Naruto.

People are probably going to get on me about saying that.

Offline sassy_lassy

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« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2006, 06:09:32 am »

- Overly done Hot Topic EGL/EGA ((I see so many dresses/clothes/so on from hot topic done as if it's suppose to be EGL/EGA. It annoys me and draws away from the good EGL/EGA))

- FMA (as much as I like this anime... seeing the cosplay is starting to get annoying. The costumes really don't have that much originality on their own and I've already seen so many good ones that I just lost the spark for FMA cosplay)

- Kakashi's.... (I think they deserve to be talked about without the anime. I love great Naruto cosplay that actually keeps up with the manga/anime. But Kakashis are starting to annoy me. Too many of them for my tastes)

That's all I really care about... or don't care about. O_o
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Offline leashy

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« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2006, 08:22:04 am »
Well it is hard because once signature pieces of a character's costume start to be sold in the store (those red Edward jackets, naruto headbands, etc) then costumes are going to start to look alot more alike.  I don't think it is a terrible thing because alot of people just don't have alot of money and don't have sewing skills (like me!) so I don't want to bash anyone who buys parts pre-made. Personally I am going to try to make my costume but those who make part and buy part will be much more similar I guess.

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2006, 09:22:54 am »
Yuuuunnnnaaaa from FF. D:

Alot of the time it's half-assed. I have seen several good Yunas, but it's like, overload.

I have to agree, the Spawns of Hot Topic children who parade around in Cat ears and baggy cargo pants with like 593006 straps and inflated egos kind erk me.

Offline Neolucky

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« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2006, 09:24:14 am »
Full Metal Alchemist
Samurai Champloo
Chobits (ARHG CHI)
Inu Yasha

Any other BS that Cartoon Network has pretty much shoved out there to the general public. It usually causes a huge uprising of newbie otaku-types that all cosplay THE SAME THING!

Offline Sasu-kitty

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« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2006, 09:59:35 am »
Actually, I cosplay a Naruto character because it's simple.  And Note: I've never seen any more than one episode of the dubbed cartoon network version.

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Offline Xaam

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2006, 10:48:01 am »
Yuna and Rinoa. *_* There are sooo many Rinoas!
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Offline Daxe

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« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2006, 11:15:37 am »
I dont see how there is anything wrong with seeing a lot of any one series of characters. Different people identify with different characters and they like what they like. If someone wants to cosplay as naruto then let them. If someone wants to do Rinoa then more power to them. Its all a part of what cosplaying is. Honestly I think its alot of fun when you get a whole lot of people from one series, it makes for great group shots!

Just my 2 cents.

Offline Sasu-kitty

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« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2006, 11:31:00 am »
And having a Kage Bunshin Sasuke vs Naruto battle is really fun XD

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Hei (Darker than Black)
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Offline BigGuy

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« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2006, 12:09:11 pm »
It also depends on what con you are at, a small con like AnimeOasis didn't have that much doubling up of character. A big con like Sakuracon(7000+) your gonna see a lot of the same characters.
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Offline Waffles

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2006, 01:46:22 pm »
ok I agree with  the idea of its annoying how many naruto and inuyasha cosers we have going around mostly because of the fact that most people put no work into doing it. alot of chars have been played out but its still nice to see a good one next to a bad one so you can see who actually takes pride in thier work. also I think my friend yatta dante did a great kakshi because he takes pride in his outfits.
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Offline MistressLegato

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« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2006, 02:03:18 pm »
Quote from: "Daxe"
I dont see how there is anything wrong with seeing a lot of any one series of characters. Different people identify with different characters and they like what they like. If someone wants to cosplay as naruto then let them. If someone wants to do Rinoa then more power to them. Its all a part of what cosplaying is. Honestly I think its alot of fun when you get a whole lot of people from one series, it makes for great group shots!

Just my 2 cents.

Oh, I'm not saying it's wrong.  I just know it's irritating to see sooo many swarms of particular characters.

It's so funny to see a sea of little Edward's running around XD

If they're really well done I am very pleased.

NarutonoJutsu is SUCH a cute Naruto!  It stands out from generic-I just have this orange pair of pants and jacket and no likeness to the character- cosplay.

Know what I mean?

I agree with the Inu yasha thing, too!  I've seen my fair share of horrible wigs . .  .
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

Offline Sasu-kitty

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2006, 02:09:54 pm »
In regards to half-assed costumes, yes, I'm guility of it.  I didn't know I was going to Sakura-Con until the week prior, and I had to throw my costume together.  Next year, and of course for KCon, I'm hoping to have my costume done accurately and with props and everything (Windmill Shuriken, and possibly a curse seal on my shoulder)

Plans for Kumori '08
Hei (Darker than Black)
Ichiro (Nerima Daikon Brothers)
Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu)
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Offline Waffles

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« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2006, 02:16:49 pm »
See I will admit I personally wish the person who created inuyasha should be shot on site....but  If someone does a nice outfit i will give them some props like mushoku145 did a great miroku in kcon 04
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Offline Negima

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« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2006, 06:30:49 pm »
I'm not really "sick of seeing" a lot of the same characters most of the time.  For me it's sometimes fun to see the different versions people come up with.

But I guess for the sake of adding to the list, Yuna from FF.  Yeah, she does look like a cool character and all but I would really like to see other FF characters like Dagger, Tifa, even a few more Aeriths (Aeris, can't remember which).  I can't remember if I've ever seen an Eiko cosplayer at Kumoricon.
But I do remember someone on the board or elsewhere saying they would love to see a Yuna and the other girls in a mode other than Gunner or Summoner (or something like that).  That I would be interested in seeing.

Offline Xaam

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« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2006, 07:38:12 pm »
Yuna is way overdone in my opinion. Gunner mode that is. But one of the most beautiful coplayers I've ever seen was a Yuna in her wedding dress..... ^_^ It was sooo pretty!
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Offline makichan

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« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2006, 08:52:32 pm »
Quote from: "Waffles"
See I will admit I personally wish the person who created inuyasha should be shot on site....but  If someone does a nice outfit i will give them some props like mushoku145 did a great miroku in kcon 04

0_o I couldn't agree with you more.... but alas they made ranma 1/2 so.... I'm undecided.... but if we're just talking inu yasha then yeah, it's worse than all of the over-cosplayed animes combined (note that I'm not saying that all cosplays of this anime are bad but.... why no heten or rare characters, why always the main ones *sigh*, at least with naruto there's somewhat of a variety)
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Offline Wolf Wood

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« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2006, 09:55:05 pm »
im sick of seeing people in bellie shirts ewwwwww

Offline Xaam

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« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2006, 10:07:03 pm »
Quote from: "Wolf Wood"
im sick of seeing people in bellie shirts ewwwwww

That's not really any particular character, but you know what? I agree with you. The thought of too much skin, it just doesn't appeal to me. But then again, I've never appreciated cleavage either and I know that has mass apeal to the opposite sex. Preference I guess, it all comes back to preference. In the end, though, concerning the matter of partial nudity and the appropriateness of costumes I will say only this:

Don't wear anything you wouldn't want to see your children wearing. And be honest with yourselves. Would you really want to see your daughter (in the hypothetical future) have her boobs hanging out of her dress like Lulu, or wearing skirts up to here like most schoolgirl fukus? Same applies to boys wearing spandex pants. It's one thing to appreciate Heero from Gundam enough to cosplay him, it's quite another thing to fall under the catergory of indecent exposure. There are tamer substatutes for spandex that can most definantly be used when the situation calls for them!
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Offline Daxe

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2006, 10:12:01 pm »
Or how about NAGA, I saw a naga at sakuracon, almost lost my lunch.
And for you guys out there, dont do the spandex, underarmor is a slightly better substatute if you have to have the skin tight.

Offline NarutoNoJutsu

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« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2006, 12:32:17 am »
Quote from: "MistressLegato"

NarutonoJutsu is SUCH a cute Naruto!  It stands out from generic-I just have this orange pair of pants and jacket and no likeness to the character- cosplay.

Know what I mean?

I agree with the Inu yasha thing, too!  I've seen my fair share of horrible wigs . .  .

Thank you. I appriciate that. ^^- Dattebayo.
Oh gawd. Don't get me started on wigs!
I see people at Sakura Con with horrible wigs and like their hair showing!
If you are gonna wear a wig wear it right! Get a wig cap or something! It's only like a dollar for one. ~o~
I am really picky about cosplay. I don't mind seeing skin unless, well the person has more of it than clothes on. -shudders-
Hot Pocketins [Hot Topic] bother me too, I mean I own a pair of those 'bondage' pants but I havent warn them regularly since middle school. You get stuck to chairs anyway. D:
Other than that, I don't really mind lots of same character cosplayers. Of course I turn to my friends and say "Oh that is a good _____" Or "Wow you shouldnt be wearing that" But usually I am took caught up in my own thing to really pay attention. Soo many pictures.
And for the record I've been cosplaying Naruto for 2 years!
Please don't assume I am one of those CN watching kids who havent seen anything but Cowboy Bebop and Inu Yasha. Heck I don't even like Inu Yasha but I did cosplay an awesome Shippou about 5 years ago.

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2006, 09:25:55 am »
I read about this a little on the LJ community, Condrama, and having people be in really revealing costumes that don't fit their body type.

I'm not saying, just because you're bigger than other people, don't cosplay, but either modifiy the costume or -cough- loose weight.

Offline Hakushaku

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Re: I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2006, 09:34:57 pm »
Here's Mine:

- Naruto

I'm not saying those titles are bad but I'm not into them and there's just too many people doing them..I felt one of a kind when I was the only Count at Kumoricon. Personally if I WERE a Naruto or FMA cosplayer I'd try to be a character that not so many people were playing. LOL :lol:
Kumoricon 2012/2013 Cosplay:

Count of Monte Cristo ~GANKUTSUOU~

Offline Hakushaku

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« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2006, 09:36:51 pm »
Quote from: "Neko_Chan"
I read about this a little on the LJ community, Condrama, and having people be in really revealing costumes that don't fit their body type.

I'm not saying, just because you're bigger than other people, don't cosplay, but either modifiy the costume or -cough- loose weight.

I'd have to agree.  :oops:
Kumoricon 2012/2013 Cosplay:

Count of Monte Cristo ~GANKUTSUOU~

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2006, 08:07:31 pm »
( remeber that wedding dress yuna, i gave her that top for it)
the thing is it takes very little to make a costume uniqe, like my little brother was one of the maes huges but he had a halo that set him apart if i had thought of it i also would of taped a sign that said spoiler warning on his back
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Givon

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« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2006, 08:46:06 pm »
Yea, if people go as characters that have been seen every where. They should put some effort in them. If they just through some stuff together that kinda look like the character it gets annoying -_-
 Besides that I really don't care. Its what they like, and thats good ^_^ As long as every one is having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment

Offline pinkrandomattack

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« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2006, 02:35:31 pm »
yeah for me the bottom line is quality.

if i was seeing TONS OF TONS of really well done say...naruto all over then i would be like "well thats getting boring but i cant say mugh more than that"  but the shear mass quantity of half assed costumes is what gets on my nerves.  and ive been afraid to say anything cause i figured narutards were in the majority.  sometime its kidan like seeing everyone with the same purse, why cant you get your own purse?  i really LOVE seeing stuff that i havent seen to often, like amano art versions of stuff.  or olderschool things.

but the things that have gotten stale for me are

(ranma used to be here to but its gone out of fashion)
Bleach is eaking its was onto my list
Regular/Gunner Yuna (i wanna do one of the others as a trio with people sometime, lilke all the black mages or beast masters or festival wear or somthing)
VASH (they sell the coat at Hot Topic now)
Nabeshin & Spike ( a Blazer of a simeler color to the characters does NOT = cosply,  though i have seen a really bitchen spike with an acurate coat with wierd closeres and perfect hari 10 points to him)

And sailor moon is kinda iffy on my list too, used to be that everyone did a freakin sailor scout, but like ranma has gone out of con fashion (even though you almost allways see at least one)  and is allmost such a icon at this point that its kinda kitchy, id still only like to see it well done though.  or as silly silly crosplay, then its just funny.

ive thought about this too much
Commissioning again!
Props, wigs and costumes.

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Offline dearSgirl

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« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2006, 09:56:39 pm »
see me I don't mind if there more than one,it's just when theres way to many becuase then your just a clone. Unless you spent lots of time on your costume.Me I go as a rare or little cosplayed like Nia from DearS theres like not one dearS so I don't blend in,or my wrath costume at Sakura con 2006.My dad also got into cosplaying so we make a rule do a charrter that you never really see cosplayed. For explain fma theres so many envys,eds and roys. But you never really see a Scar or AL (my dad was Scar sakuracon06 and kumoricon05).But if we do one that is a copy then I freck out if it does'nt look like the charrter or close to it.But if your just not at all going to put time into it then whats the fun? Unless your really busy or shoron cash I should know I think I spent at least 300 on my nia costume and now workng on my riiku costume.

Offline PinqFuu

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2006, 09:46:56 pm »
Quote from: "pinkrandomattack"
yeah for me the bottom line is quality.

if i was seeing TONS OF TONS of really well done say...naruto all over then i would be like "well thats getting boring but i cant say mugh more than that"  but the shear mass quantity of half assed costumes is what gets on my nerves.  and ive been afraid to say anything cause i figured narutards were in the majority.  sometime its kidan like seeing everyone with the same purse, why cant you get your own purse?  i really LOVE seeing stuff that i havent seen to often, like amano art versions of stuff.  or olderschool things.

but the things that have gotten stale for me are

(ranma used to be here to but its gone out of fashion)
Bleach is eaking its was onto my list
Regular/Gunner Yuna (i wanna do one of the others as a trio with people sometime, lilke all the black mages or beast masters or festival wear or somthing)
VASH (they sell the coat at Hot Topic now)
Nabeshin & Spike ( a Blazer of a simeler color to the characters does NOT = cosply,  though i have seen a really bitchen spike with an acurate coat with wierd closeres and perfect hari 10 points to him)

And sailor moon is kinda iffy on my list too, used to be that everyone did a freakin sailor scout, but like ranma has gone out of con fashion (even though you almost allways see at least one)  and is allmost such a icon at this point that its kinda kitchy, id still only like to see it well done though.  or as silly silly crosplay, then its just funny.

ive thought about this too much

That- I think is the reason why most people are sick of the same costumes. First it starts out with a few people doing excellent jobs. Then it tumbles down to half ass jobs. And people are tired of seeing it done sloppy.

and I have to agree with the list of overly played parts. But oh well. Not much you can do about it.

I mean I'm playing Lust this year. I'm very excited, but people already seem to be annoyed with FMA. Oh well, I'm excited :3
It's hard being pinq.

Offline Dark_Lady_Kassendra

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2006, 01:03:25 pm »
To start I must comment on some people's signatures I noticed while reading this topic:

makichan, you rock! That scene is the best and most hilarious of that whole movie!! I agree, Viva la Shinra! Kawaii!
And a holla out for Daxe, great use of typed emoticons! ^.^

Ok. So, all in all I agree with everyone on the overdoneness of the afore mentioned animes and their subsequent characters. The greatest thing about a con is seeing a cosplay that you have no clue what the heck it is or where it's from and going up and asking them about it so then you learn about a new anime you could possibly check out! Plus it makes them feel good cause you noticed their hard work and originality.

I personally will be going as Misao Makimachi from RK. Yes, perhaps it has been done many times before, but I'm new to the Con scene and so I didn't see any last year, only a few Kenshin's and Sano's, but I like finding the characters that are so obscure yet still awesome in their persona, like Misao, besides, she's so my personality type and it's an easy cosplay for my first attempt!
Jerimiah of Bakazoku Fangirl- (yes, we're even engaged!!!! ^.^ we consumated our love with a Beef Crunch Wrap Supream and a hot sauce packet that asked him to marry me ^.^)

Goggle Squad Fangirl- also so dubbed by Waffles

Offline Kimiski

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2006, 01:15:41 pm »
Naruto... -_-
Final Fantasy
Also even though I like it... FMA. Just because they always get cosplay awards when everyone of them looks the same and people with really good costumes from other animes are ignored.
Mmm... not sick of Inu Yasha yet... but I might be someday.

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Offline Waffles

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« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2006, 01:58:24 pm »
The only reason I think fma dosent bother me is because well they usally always look great.....
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Offline Thejew

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« Reply #33 on: May 04, 2006, 07:38:38 pm »
I don't mind if there's a bunch of diversity of characters from the animes, but when you can turn around and see ONE group of Narutos' I guess thats when its bad.
I also have this theory that there'sprobly going to be a lot of Organization XIII from Kingdon Hearts 2, and the same goes from some FFXII characters.
I would love to see people cosplay as their FFXI Characters, in my mind that would be an awsome cosplay idea, even though we don't look like Mithrans, Tarutaru's, Elvaan's, or those weird tatoo headed Hume's. That would be a great cosplay Idea if you can pull it off.

Offline Negima

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« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2006, 08:12:49 pm »
I'm with Thejew.  I actually don't mind it if people choose an overdone anime but they choose rarely done characters.  For example, the bug guy from Naruto (spacing out on his name right now).

Offline rarnom

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« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2006, 01:59:32 pm »

Final Fantasickofit.


The trick is not minding.

Offline Waffles

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« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2006, 02:16:20 pm »
If you only go to kcons then the place to have seen groups of the same naruto char was kcon 04 heh and just to say jew i think we look more elvaan then we do say galkas....
Good, Bad,  i'm the guy with the gun.

Offline Kendra

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« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2006, 07:54:19 pm »
I don't like "Sexy no juitsu" characters that aren't Naruto. Remember kids, Sauske is MALE. He wouldn't run around in a bikini. Neither would Kakashi.

Those running around with Naruto headbands also bother me for some reason. So do fishnet shirts, as well.
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Offline Thejew

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« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2006, 11:02:55 pm »
I know that, but elvaans are pretty close to 8 feet tall.

Offline Moraela

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« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2006, 08:50:44 pm »
Oh my gosh...I feel so bad now... I chose to play Inuyasha for last kumoricon because he's a character I've known for a long time and his costume covered my fat.. T3T  I know I wasn't a good cosplayer and all and i sort of realized people were probably gonna hate all the inuyashas. T3T  Oopsie.

Even though I've only been to one anime convention I have to say, seeing all the Yuna's with the same costume design was sorta... boring.  Although, I did like the rare glimpses of the Paranoia Agent characters and enjoyed the FMA cosplayers.  The Yuna cosplayers did well with their costumes but i guess it was boring because I never really liked Yuna in the first place.  But they did do a very nice job!

Naruto's dub is bad but the costumes don't bother me.  Kakashi may be a very common character to cosplay but the kakashi's all do such a good job being him ^^  I think Sailor Moon's characters are starting to bug me -_-
"However long the night may last, the dawn will always break."
"He thought they were the most beautiful birds in the world, the he found out they were only seagulls." ~Maude: Harold and Maude

Offline NarutoNoJutsu

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2006, 01:15:29 am »
The only problem about cosplaying a character that no one knows is... You don't get pictures.

I cosplayed Chise from Saikano at Sakura Con 06 I got like 4 pictures maybe? I mean, not to sound like an attention whore... but when no one recognizes you it takes the fun out. Or you feel like... you did a bad job on your costume. That! and I only have one really bad picture of us in the hall way, cuz the people who did take my picture well, they havent posted their pictures anywhere or they fell off the face of the earth!
[If anyone has any pictures of a Chise from Sakura Con 06 feel free to hand em over]

AND! since none of my other friends were cosplaying from Saikano well I felt kind of out of place. BUT that is besides the point!

Offline bastett08

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2006, 11:11:08 pm »
Love, I agree that these are overly used and there should be a wider variety but these series are populare and deserve credit.

Although, I agree: Naruto has gotten out of hand.  I like to see a wider variety.  I like seeing some Naruto cosplays but try and space out what you do.  I'm cosplaying from about 3 different series this year.  This is a stretch even for me.  Geh.

As for Bleach.... I personally see nothing wrong with it.  I'm happy to see so many Ichigo's and Orihime's, and Renji's.... oh bring on the Renji-hot-ness!
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Offline Negima

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2006, 06:35:39 pm »
Amen to that.
Speaking from personal experience, when I went to Kcon '04 as Seta from Love Hina, very few people recognized who I was and even fewer took my picture.  I kept being mistaken for a doctor.

The funny thing about me being mistaken for a doctor was another convention was going on nearby which did include a few doctors.

Offline bastett08

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2006, 10:40:32 pm »
Quote from: "Negima"
Amen to that.
Speaking from personal experience, when I went to Kcon '04 as Seta from Love Hina, very few people recognized who I was and even fewer took my picture.  I kept being mistaken for a doctor.

The funny thing about me being mistaken for a doctor was another convention was going on nearby which did include a few doctors.

I agree and I think I saw you at the Kumoricon for 2004, Negima and I'm sure I said "Hi!  I love your cosplay!  Seta-sensei!!!"  I remember Love Hina well.  Our anime club used to play it non-stop.  

As for the comment from NarutoNoJutsu... agreed.  It's hard when you put do much time into your cosplay that no one recognizes you.  That's why I'm doing Shounen Jump characters this year.  I'm gonna go with characters I like/tolerate but when I cosplay it'd be nice to have someone mention it.

Although, did anyone catch the Kentaro Oei from Golden Boy cosplay last year?  That rocked my socks!  Whoever did it... god bless you and may panties be thrown into your toilet seat for all eternity.  hahahaha... kidding.  But that took guts.  Rarely will you find someone cosplay from an OVA that isn't ROD.  We have many Yomiko Readerman's in the world and not so many that I found to be classic Yomiko.  But this guy acted like Kentaro.  Oh god!  Hahaha.  I also found a Knives at a con about two years ago.  That was great.  Not too many Knives from Trigun.  I think I found a Rei Dey the Blade cosplay, too!  That was spiffy.  

I think it's important to acknoledge anyone cosplaying.  It's not easy and sometimes the Naruto's and the Ichigo's and the Ed's just take the focus away from the true cosplayers who just do it cause they like it.  That's the most important thing.
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Offline ambergen87

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2006, 02:38:16 pm »
What I'm tired of is people going as main characters. Thats why I was Izumi last year. (And going to be this year with modifications) I wish to see more supporting/minor characters. I think without them there would be no story for the main characters.

Yes. I agree with Yuna and Naruto. Too many.
Randomness is good for the soul.

The swag lady.

Cosplay for Kumoricon 2011:
Saturday: Lolita
Sunday: Seychelles
Monday: Catgirl Schoolgirl

Friday: Random yukata girl
Sat: Don't know
Sun: Don't know
Mon: Raine from Final Fantasy VIII

Offline Seraph

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« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2006, 06:43:37 pm »
the many many FF cosplay bugs me a little, but for the most part, I dun really care how much seeing a swarm of those cosplay of a particular anime series.  Partly, I suppose I have done some of those series that many people considered overdone(naruto & bleach).  Although, it does bug me when I see someone has a costume that looks slap together.  Example: Sakura 05, I spent hours and my own money to make an actual hakama for a bleach cosplay and I go and see some people out who're just wearing a karate uniform and claiming its a bleach cosplay!  

@NarutoNoJutsu & Negima
ditto.  at least you got a little attention.  when I did Tenchi Masaki from Tenchi Muyo, no one even realized I was even cosplaying!! X_X
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Kylite-"You and your TV Tropes!"<Refering to This Troper's ruined voc

Offline otakusan

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2006, 10:15:22 pm »
no one recognized my ranma cosplay my second year at sakuracon....and i had grown a ponytail and everything...only two people knew who I was and one was dressed as shampoo, and the other had a ranma shirt on, lol....
I want to see more .hack cosplay...I used to see a lot of Tsukasa....and mimiru, or blackrose...but no one else.
I was the only elk for like two cons, we need more .hack cosplay

Cosplay I want to see:
good digimon cosplay
lunar *the video game*


Offline Riyuki

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« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2006, 01:16:01 am »
Its not that I'm sick of Naruto or FMA, I'm more tired of people that half-arse their costumes. (In fact, I looked EVERYWHERE for a good GOOD Naruto that I could take a picture of at Sakura06 this year and I didn't find one to my liking)

I saw so many Sasuke's that refused to style their hair, or even have it the right color, or wear a wig. My best friend died and cut her hair really short for KCon04 and I spiked it for her every morning. She's the best Sasuke I've ever seen to this day because of that. And Ed's with the wrong color hair. His hair is clearly not brown! Not pink! Not...nasty!

Teh hair, people!! Gah! </rant>

Offline kekame

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« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2006, 01:27:35 am »
Quote from: "PinqFuu"

That- I think is the reason why most people are sick of the same costumes. First it starts out with a few people doing excellent jobs. Then it tumbles down to half ass jobs. And people are tired of seeing it done sloppy.

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement!

It's not the problem that I'm tired of any specific anime... its that I don't like to see the same character IF they are done badly. It's not hard at all to make your costume unique, or put some thought/creativity into it. I still like to see tasteful Naruto characters...  I saw a Konohamaru that absolutely rocked my socks off, and a pj Kakashi that had me laughing. The few people that do Sandaime are always cool, and how many of you have seen a Kisame? There have got to be 40 or 50 characters in Naruto, so there is a lot of room for variety.

Moving on to the problem... The 'overplayed' characters are usually characters I really like, so it disappoints me to see such a terrible job of them, but actually, if its a good costume, well-made, then I really like the costume regardless of how many people do it.

For example, I cosplayed Sasuke in KC '04 and did a good job because of my real hair that I'd done like his.

So, this year at SC '06, I saw a crappy Sasuke around every corner and I was tired of it. I mean, people can do what they want, it's their choice, but I guess it kinda makes me think, 'Well, I did this character when they were new, the anime was still in Japanese, and I did a good job... but its just a lame character to be anymore.'

Oh, and just to throw my two cents at the other person who said something about it... I absolutely think sexy no jutsu of anyone besides Naruto or Konohamaru, is a shameless way to both put no effort into your costume and walk around looking like a you-know-what. I think if its in the show, then fine, that's the show and that's cool, but its so OC to have Sasuke or Gaara ever do that. Ever.

In conclusion... (wow I wrote a lot more than I intended) I think the bottom line is just to relax with friends, have fun, make new friends, and spend time participating in a hobby you enjoy regardless of how you dress. I think it's people's own perrogative and situation that will determine who they come as and the quality of their costume... but if you come as Sasuke with long brown hair, don't expect to be the new hot thing at the con. No offense, but a costume like that doesn't really deserve much attention.
Sora - KHII (Regular Outfit, Kingdom Key)
Kaiba - Yugioh (Battle City)

Offline Sasu-kitty

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I'm sick of seeing . . . .
« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2006, 02:05:18 am »
Quote from: "kekame"

So, this year at SC '06, I saw a crappy Sasuke around every corner and I was tired of it. I mean, people can do what they want, it's their choice, but I guess it kinda makes me think, 'Well, I did this character when they were new, the anime was still in Japanese, and I did a good job... but its just a lame character to be anymore.'

I'm sure that "crappy sasuke" refers to me at least once.

keep in mind, not everyone has TIME or MONEY to make good costumes.

Hell, I didn't even know I was going to SC06 until a WEEK before.  You try putting together a decent cosplay of a popular character with very little, if NO money, and only a week.

Plans for Kumori '08
Hei (Darker than Black)
Ichiro (Nerima Daikon Brothers)
Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu)
Possibly more...