Author Topic: Delete bots?  (Read 4856 times)

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Offline Negima

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Delete bots?
« on: May 11, 2006, 06:55:37 pm »
This has been bothering me for awhile but is there any way to delete accounts belonging to bots that have been coming to the forums?  For the past couple of weeks I've noticed a new bot "registering" about once every two days.  Some of them are pretty easy to spot too.

Anyway, are the mods able to delete bot accounts and not just delete their posts?  I can point out almost a dozen accounts if you need help finding them.

Offline PezCat

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Delete bots?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2006, 08:33:19 pm »
It's uglier than simply that.  Delete the account, and a new one pops up in its place.  Gus is the kingpin of bot-killing here, and he tries to block their IPs and such to keep them from coming back... that and he's generally able to keep most of them from posting... but they can still register at this point... unfortunately.

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Offline guspasho

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Delete bots?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2006, 08:36:38 pm »
Yes, we can delete their accounts. Since you ask I'll try to do just that soon. (Though the con chair beckons.) Basically, I've been putting what effort I can into finding a solution that prevents them (or most of them) from getting in in the first place.

I installed a few modifications that came highly recommended by the phpBB people but apparantly it's been futile. For example, one mod bans every user who tries to change the website field of their profile at registration (human users can't do this anyway,) but the bots have just stopped trying to fill in that field.

Anyway, once I figure out how to stop them, my logic goes, I can clean up and not worry about having to do it constantly.

EDIT: Plus, as I just found out, I have to do them manually, one at a time. To simply remove everyone with 0 posts all at once requires installing yet another modification. *sigh*

I might be able to do some board modifications from work, but that would require shutting down the forum in the daytime while I implement them, I don't know how everyone feels about that. Perhaps during the weekend would be better.
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline Negima

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Delete bots?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2006, 10:50:03 pm »
Okay, that makes me feel better knowing that the bots won't be here forever.

And I don't think it's really every user with 0 posts that's a bot.  You can usually tell it's a bot by either their location, hobbies, occupation, and I've noticed that almost all the bots that have popped up recently have a ICQ number link that looks very similar to other bots' ICQ.
(And what is an ICQ?)

Offline ObiJay

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Delete bots?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2006, 08:01:37 am »
Quote from: "Negima"
Okay, that makes me feel better knowing that the bots won't be here forever.

And I don't think it's really every user with 0 posts that's a bot.  You can usually tell it's a bot by either their location, hobbies, occupation, and I've noticed that almost all the bots that have popped up recently have a ICQ number link that looks very similar to other bots' ICQ.
(And what is an ICQ?)

ICQ (I seek you!)is an older IM system, that for a long time was considered the best of the bunch, back around 97-2000ish. Then AOL bought it out and integrated it into AIM, making the two nearly identical and covering it in advertisements.

As for the bot issue, I wonder if there is a way to implament one of those image registers, with the funky scambled text that only a human can interpet? I know sticking that into vB isn't too hard, but I've never messed with phpBB

Offline leashy

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Delete bots?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2006, 08:39:57 am »
What do you mean by bot?  What happens if a bot registers?  I mean how could it do something like that?  Can it then post?

Offline guspasho

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Delete bots?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2006, 11:03:18 am »
Negima, with the large number of bot registrations recently (at least 30% of all registrations last time I checked a few weeks ago, I did this manually, one at a time) it will be a lot of work to check accounts manually, one at a time, and to keep up on them manually as they come in. Which is why I'd like to automate this process (and make sure I can minimize the inconvenience to our members) if possible.

No, not every user with 0 posts is a bot, but every user with 0 posts who isn't a bot can re-register, and post to avoid getting purged again. There isn't really any point to registering if you are just going to lurk.

ICQ is an IM platform/client, like AIM or MSN Messenger. They've been around a while. Thanks for noticing that. If most of these spam registrations are related, and if we are lucky it will be easier to block them.

Obijay, we have image verification, or visual confirmation already. It's one of the features they actually added to the board software that I didn't have to install a modification to get. If you log out you can pretend to register and see it. Unfortunately, it appears to be useless (but it's probably effective at blocking blind users if any tried to sign up. :( )

Leashy, a bot is an automated process that registers accounts on a whole lot of message boards for the purpose of spamming us. I'm not sure if I could explain how they do it. But all phpBB boards, for example, are pretty much the same. So it's pretty easy to automatically locate them and attempt to register. That's just computers nowadays, you can automate everything.

You may have noticed the occasional spam post, but our moderators are pretty good at catching those and getting rid of them. That's what they do. They also advertise for websites of rather loose morals by posting websites in their profile. The advantage to them in this is those links will get spidered by Google and other search engines and increase their ranking in those search engines. They don't actually contribute to our community here, they just try to make a buck or two off of collectively advertising pornography or dating services or viagra, whatever, on thousands of message boards like ours. Some of this stuff, like the pornography, we have a responsibility to keep out of here. They abuse the system we have here and invade our community with things of an unwanted nature, which is the biggest reason for shutting down guest posting.

Yes, if a bot registers it could then post. The potential threat being that the unscrupulous company that controls the bot is selling advertising, says it can get your service listed on tens of thousands of boards, then it goes and registers sleeper accounts all over the place and when it finds a client it makes posts with the sleeper accounts. Unless we've been good with our housekeeping and recognized them before they've had a chance to attack. Or, as I mentioned with the search engine scam, they only need to get their info from a profile registered. If the same web link is listed on thousands of boards, that potentially increases the advertiser's search engine rank and thus revenue.

There are other kinds of bots, but those are the ones we are talking about in this context. They aren't all bad, but in terms of message boards, they are almost always undesirable. Though I did once see a resident forum bot that would respond to user posts and try to pretend to be a human. In that it was installed by the board owner and its nature was transparant, it was pretty fun.

More on bots in general:
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline superjaz

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Delete bots?
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2006, 02:22:34 pm »
thanks for all the work o keeping our forum bot free
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline JeffT

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Delete bots?
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2006, 07:57:48 pm »
Quote from: "guspasho"
No, not every user with 0 posts is a bot, but every user with 0 posts who isn't a bot can re-register, and post to avoid getting purged again. There isn't really any point to registering if you are just going to lurk.

Careful sure to also check to be sure no private messages have been sent/received on any accounts deleted. There are probably other reasons that deleting just all 0-post accounts isn't a good idea. I know I have sometimes registered on Internet forums just to lurk, and it'd be quite annoying if the account were deleted, and in some cases I have registered a forum account to send somebody a private message but didn't post anything yet.

Maybe there's a much more reliable way to check? Like, only accounts that have been logged in once? (If that would identify the bots.)
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Offline MikeJ1592

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« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2006, 07:17:51 am »
I am not a bot, clik here for hot robot on toaster action...

hehe just kidding

It never ceases to amaze me what people will do for the almighty dollar.  

Do you think a disclaimer that could tell people that if you dont post withing X ammount of time that 0 post accounts will be purged could work incouraging new accounts that arnt bots to make a post, but would that make the bots automatically make a spam post soon as they register?

ARGH why do people that suck make it so hard on the rest of the world?

Think about how much extra effort you put in to stop them, then think about how much time and effort it must take to write software for no other reason other than to exploit people.  Those people have nothing better to do with their talents other than to push (insert item x here) for cash because they have no real imagination or tallents to make a living off of.  

I was going to rant about other spam related things then I remembered Im not a squirl so I stoped myself.


later everyone.

Offline guspasho

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Delete bots?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2006, 08:37:13 am »
Quote from: "JeffT"
Quote from: "guspasho"
No, not every user with 0 posts is a bot, but every user with 0 posts who isn't a bot can re-register, and post to avoid getting purged again. There isn't really any point to registering if you are just going to lurk.

Careful sure to also check to be sure no private messages have been sent/received on any accounts deleted. There are probably other reasons that deleting just all 0-post accounts isn't a good idea. I know I have sometimes registered on Internet forums just to lurk, and it'd be quite annoying if the account were deleted, and in some cases I have registered a forum account to send somebody a private message but didn't post anything yet.

Maybe there's a much more reliable way to check? Like, only accounts that have been logged in once? (If that would identify the bots.)

Kylite just moved a third spam post from one bot I neglected to delete before. So they aren't all being logged-into just once.

Checking for PMs would definitely be a good idea. But I'm afraid just about every feature in phpBB has to be modded in, and I had a difficult time finding something that will allow me to delete multiple users at once, so I doubt a mod exists that will check the PM boxes too. But I will look for it.

MikeJ, it's easy money, apparantly. To set up bots that will infiltrate forums all day long, imagine how many boards a few computers can infect. Probably millions. To any unscrupulous advertiser who knows that generally, 0.001% of the people who see his ads actually become interested, that's pretty lucrative. It's disgusting and shameful, even more aggravating because they are making money on our backs, as we are the ones who suffer and must clean up their trash.
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline ObiJay

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Delete bots?
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2006, 08:28:21 am »
Quote from: "guspasho"

Obijay, we have image verification, or visual confirmation already. It's one of the features they actually added to the board software that I didn't have to install a modification to get. If you log out you can pretend to register and see it. Unfortunately, it appears to be useless (but it's probably effective at blocking blind users if any tried to sign up. :( )

Gragh, now they can get past that system.?! Before we know it Endoskeletons are going to be storming the hotel grounds at the convention!