Author Topic: 2006 June 24th GM Minutes  (Read 6286 times)

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Offline EcchiSpice

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2006 June 24th GM Minutes
« on: June 28, 2006, 07:31:53 pm »
June 24, 2006

Flyers are being distributed throughout the area. Anyone can distribute flyers. Please print them off of the main page of the website, form the forms area, or request clean copies from Sarah. .com Posters and flyers will be available July 1st from Sarah.

Gaming is seeking “ancient consoles” for an event during con. Please contact David,

July 5th is the cut off for blurbs for the convention program guide. Please have all panel forms turned in to Brenda, and all other materials for the book to

AMV cut off is July 28th. Please have all amvs turned in by July 28th 5pm.

Mascot contest for 2007 mascot ends July 31.

Please gather items/ leads for donors for the charity auction and send info to

All staff are required to attend at least one Yojimbo training. There will be a training at the convention, but it is best to train early. Dates are posted in the Yojimbo section of the forums.

Convention policies will be ready this week for inclusion in the con program guide. They will also be posted on the site.  

Check out updates to the main site. New info will be added periodically, including a schedule of convention events.

Departments, please focus heavily on:
Operations – Continue Registration Updates for creation of pre-reg badges, equipment inventory, training of yojimbo.
Publicity – Street Team plastering, creation of the program, ad sales, printing badges, merchandise.
Programming – Schedule updates, gaming coordination, karaoke
Relations – Swag, guest relations, bags, charity items
You'll be loved, you'll be loved, like you never have known. When memories of me will seem more like bad dreams. Just a series of blurs, like I never occurred. Someday, you will be loved.