I'm looking for a bunch of Clouds to do a photoshoot with; I'll be KH1 Cloud, mainly because I plan to taunt a Vincent or three about stealing their clothes...but yeah...looking for more members of the *snerk* Angst Brigade.
This bit, it may change. I might be ditching this cosplay in favor of just the idea below....
Also! I'm seriously considering dressing up as a very simple Jenova, but one that will be wearing a frilly (hopefully) pink apron that says "#1 Mom", and I'm looking for a few Sephiroths or his clones for a photoshoot and maybe a few seemingly random encounters during the con. I'm codenaming this group Jenova's Witnesses, and I bet a lot of people will get that joke...
I probably won't actually do it if there is no interest. I'm still figuring out the whole "Isn't-Jenova-a-torso?" problem too...
Do anything for a laugh, I will.
Heh. Anyway, if you're interested, toss me a line.