Second, I found out after visiting the website (constantly trying to find updates) That something is wrong with pre-registration online and if you had prereg. in advance that it's possible you weren't sent an e-mail confirmation. Well I sent both of the e-mails as requested, but didn't even receive confirmation of that. So I don't know what's going on there.
There is absolutley nothing wrong with the ONLINE registration. At all. Period. ONLY THE REGISTRATIONS THAT WERE
Acteva should have sent you an email confirmation. Likely, it looked much like spam, either to you or to your email. You will not receive a confirmation from Kumoricon for an Acteva on line registration. I'd suggest you check your junk mail. If you don't have it there, PM me directly with your real names, and I will check Acteva myself for your info.
We don't have your badge number yet. These have to be created by interlacing the mailed in regs with the Acteva regs by date, a process that we are currently in the middle of. Just fill out the form with "not yet provided" or something to that affect. I'm sure you can give that information to the cosplay director at con. The badge numbers will be finalized when the badges are prepared to print, after prereg closes.
As for art gallery, that IS a problem. We will try to fix this at the meeting this weekend. I'll get back to you after the relations meeting. (And I really don't mind if you email me repeatedly, within reason.)
If anyone has a problem, they can always contact me. But please do be considerate of the fact that our staff is made up of less than 65 people, most of them doing three or four different jobs for the con, on top of 40+ hour a week jobs. (I'm con chair, site admin, site moderator, assitant merch coordinator, street team member, etc. AND a Skanska USA Building Admin, in my spare time....)
So, in short, if you have any complaints, join the Kumoricon staff.