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Offline Antares

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WHY are you cosplaying as <blank>?
« on: July 18, 2006, 06:06:16 pm »
Why do people choose to cosplay as a certain character?

Well, first of all, I wanted to cosplay someone from Naruto because I just started watching / reading after my last con. I picked Iruka-sensei because, even though he really doesn't *do* a lot, Naruto looks up to him. I liked the idea of a simple "everyman" character who has found his niche (something I aspire to do) in a world filled with fox spirits and cursed seals; - and also someone who has a fairly easy costume     :wink:

What do others think? Why did you choose to cosplay such-and-such for Kumoricon 06???

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Offline Neko_Chan

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WHY are you cosplaying as <blank>?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 06:47:12 pm »
I'm going as Yomi from Azumanga Daioh because it was a group cosplay that Pocky Club had planned, but it's not as big now. x_x. My old pair of glasses look exactly like hers so I just decided to do her. :]

And lolita because lolita is wonderfull. It's not really cosplay, but it's clothing.

Offline makichan

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« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 07:26:40 pm »
After the furuba group fell to pieces, my friends decided that I go as their reno from Advent Children (which was a suprise to me, but... xD).
I'm not a big gamer but they had me watch the movie and I fell in love with the guy. Now I've really gotten into the part and it's all thanks to a few FF friends o' mine heheh.
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"Thanks. I like the way you take a bullet."

Offline Negima

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« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 10:47:24 pm »
I'm going as Tom Riddle after several people suggested that I go as him.  I also remember a couple of people, when I was Lupin last year, thinking I might have been Tom Riddle instead.

During the 04 con I cosplayed as Seta because Love Hina is my favorite series.  I chose him instead of Keitaro mostly because Seta has a more regular clothing style (as opposed to Keitaro's which is always random) and I thought I fit Seta's description more.

Offline yukimizu

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« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2006, 11:08:05 pm »
The costumes that my fiancee and I are/were working on(Harry Potter & Sailor Moon) were for a skit that was based off a comic my friend drew. I'm unsure if I'll be able to finish them. ;.;
(My fiancee just lost his job too, so money is pretty tight. I'm hoping to still be able to make the con)

Offline Mei Long

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« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 11:17:46 pm »
Out of topic - sorry to hear about your husband's job yukimizu, I hope you both still make it to the con. ><;

Okay, I decided to do Irvine Kinneas for one - he rocks. Gets to flirt with everything, so that's a plus. And the hat, I looove m'cowboy hats and have been pining after a black one for a while. ^_^ Though those chaps.... how to make those... yikes. >>;;
Montez Bailey, 1988 - 2009, we miss you, rest in peace.

!~~~No Kumoricon for me. See ya'll at Akicon 2011~~~!

Akicon 2011 Costumes: Genderbent Kim Pine, Marshall Lee

2012: YoYo, Czeslaw, ???

Offline BlackjackGabbiani

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« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 11:34:45 pm »
I'm going as JP because he's awesome and Quina because it's awesome. Seriously, max out Frog Drop and Quina's a powerhouse.

Offline Kimiski

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WHY are you cosplaying as <blank>?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 12:16:24 am »
I've been a Sailor Moon fan since 1998 and I have never cosplayed n e one from it before, so I decided it was time, lol. And naturally Princess Serenity is my fav character.

First con is when InuYasha first came out so I was really into it and I wanted to do something simple and easy for the first time so I went as Kagome in her school uniform.

Then in 04 I decided on Mei Lin from Cardcaptor Sakura because I just was cleaning my anime collection (stupid dust...) and saw my doll of her and liked her outfit, and I wanted to have my hair in buns wiihtout needing to change my hair color xD

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Offline antibishie

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A result of friends.
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 03:38:56 pm »
Every costume I will be wearing this year will exist to go along with those of my friends.  I get to dress up as a puppet since a friend decided that she wanted to be Sasori, from "Naruto" (And since the Karasu costume from '04 seemed to be approved of.).  I ended up making a Priniger-X costume for myself since I was already making a Priny one for my girlfriend.  ...and then there's the Komui, fron "d.gray-man", costume that I agreed to wear for another friend's attempt to make an entire group.

I suddenly feel very unoriginal now....
Jeremy Forbes
"You have much YAOI-esque-ness here...!"

Offline Trumby

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« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2006, 06:23:23 pm »
Well let's see:

Greed: because he's badass. He's my favorite homonculis and probably my favorite overall FMA character.

Sousuke (if I can ever get the jacket made): because our personalities are a lot alike. Plus if I could ever talk my girlfriend into a Chidori cosplay it'd be perfect because she's a lot like her.

UndisclosedcosplayIwon'tnameuntilthecon: Because she (yeah, the gender is correct) is also badass. And I really like the costume.
2011 New Cosplay Plans: Boba Fett, Hoshi (Arakawa Under the Bridge), Malcolm Reynolds

Offline Thejew

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« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2006, 06:31:40 pm »
I'm doing Leon, and through doing Leon I discovered I could do A Krauser because I have pretty much everything for him except like 2 things. xD
I love Survival Horror Cosplayers... I wanted to hug Pyramid head at the '05 con but I didn't get the chance, I didn't even get a signature.!!!! So who ever dig Pyramid Head please tell me!!!!
 You're my cosplaying hero!

Offline Chek

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« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2006, 12:09:11 pm »
Jenova, because I made the mistake of mentioning it to my brother.

His reaction ensured that I'll be doing it purely for the comedic value, and I'm honestly looking forward to a not-so-common costume.

Offline Antares

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Re: A result of friends.
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2006, 02:55:34 pm »
Quote from: "antibishie"
Every costume I will be wearing this year will exist to go along with those of my friends.  I get to dress up as a puppet since a friend decided that she wanted to be Sasori, from "Naruto" (And since the Karasu costume from '04 seemed to be approved of.).  I ended up making a Priniger-X costume for myself since I was already making a Priny one for my girlfriend.  ...and then there's the Komui, fron "d.gray-man", costume that I agreed to wear for another friend's attempt to make an entire group.

I suddenly feel very unoriginal now....

No way! That sounds awesome! Prinys and puppets - what is more fun than that??? My friend cosplayed Kankuro and he made his Karasu - but I can't wait to see one walking around and jumping out at people!

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Offline Ayaroki

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WHY are you cosplaying as <blank>?
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2006, 05:16:16 pm »
I'm cosplaying as Orochimaru because....

I have the tongue for it.  c:


Actually, I absolutly adore Orochimaru. And since there's loads of people going as Akatsuki this year (as fun as it would be to have the whole group), I decided to throw any hope of being one of them out the window.

Plus, I can be mean and people will say  "IN CHARACTER! Yaaaaay~".


Kumoricon 2008 Cosplay Schedule -

Konan -- Naruto -- 100%


Offline Dark_Lady_Kassendra

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« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2006, 06:10:21 pm »
As nearly any and everyone knows I'm doing Misao Makimachi from Rurouni Kenshin because.......

1. Pretty simple cosplay for my first attempt

2. Our personalities are the same so I can run around being a loud mouth and threaten to "Bird Kick" (eng) anyone that annoys me... watch out Tarok-sama  if you happen to be coming this year and doing Kenshin Himura again ^.^

3. No one does Rurouni Kenshin cosplay, so it's realitively unique

4. Thought I really don't have the body type (a little too puggy... I'll be honest) it's still acceptable for me ^.^ No like I could pull of a skimpy cosplay or anything... people might get sick >.<

5. Misao Makimachi Rules!!!!!!!!
Jerimiah of Bakazoku Fangirl- (yes, we're even engaged!!!! ^.^ we consumated our love with a Beef Crunch Wrap Supream and a hot sauce packet that asked him to marry me ^.^)

Goggle Squad Fangirl- also so dubbed by Waffles

Offline BakaBishonen

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« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2006, 09:28:42 pm »
hmm prolly cause i luv the attention bishies get, heheh thats only paritally tru
mostly its cause i like something about thier character, either thier clothes (souseiseki), or thier personality (eiji) cause its super hyperactive like mine, or they make me laugh (tamaki)~!
zero kiryu - 95% done

Offline Panda

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« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2006, 02:21:28 pm »
I'm cosplaying Mei Chan from Fullmetal Alchemist because she is my favorite character in the FMA manga. Manga only characters are rarely cosplayed and I want to show my love for those forgotten characters. Mei is cute and I love that she travels around with a little panda bear named Xiao Mei. As if you couldn't guess by my screen name I love pandas. Mei totally rocks.

I'm cosplaying Unohana from Bleach because she is a great character. She has a maturity and maternal nature to her that I really admire. I also love 4th Division. Much love to all 4th Division cosplayers.

I'm cosplaying Ururu from Bleach because she is cute and kicks major um...bum. My hubby cosplays as Tessai so going as Ururu would be a nice match. Hopefully there will be Uraharas and perhaps Jintas to complete the Shoten. Shoten-ai...feel the love baby.

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Offline babysugarbear28

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« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2006, 11:22:42 pm »
1. I am playing Tsunade, because well she is one of my favorite Naruto characters and she shows that women can be scary powerful too!!! Besides then I can bother Ayaroki because she will be my Orochimaru.. AYA NO BOOB STABBING OKIES? lol ^_^

2. I am playing Hinata, because she is so cute and shy and I cut my hair kinda like hers anyway so I can do a fairly close pre time skip cosplay as long as I get a few more things (hairdye, naru headband, her jacket [though I can do it without])

Offline sassy_lassy

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« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2006, 08:45:17 am »
My group is doing Howl's Moving Castle... because we love Studio Ghibli and their works. So we try and do a Studio Ghibli cosplay everytime we go to convention. After all, it's what brings my family together with an anime we can all watch without having to shield my sister's eyes, or having to keep my mom entertained with hamsters.

Most of the reason I cosplay is because it's a tribute to the artist who created the character.
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Offline kiroshimatsu

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« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2006, 01:26:09 pm »
For a first timer at a con... I'm planning on going as Claire Redfield from Resident Evil: Code Veronica... the one with the jeans not the blasted pink short shorts. I'm just a major Zombie fanatic and Resident Evil is just my favorite of all things ^_^;;

I'm also thinking of dressing up as Sakura from Street Fighter on another day.. .someone made me a costume awhile ago and I've been itching to wear it to something again ^_^.
"Things'll turn out shiny, so don't fret and grab life by the horns."

Offline XCrashCardX

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WHY are you cosplaying as <blank>?
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2006, 12:47:05 pm »
I'm cosplaying as Brandon Heat because 1. GunGrave is my favorit Animie and 2. its not a Animie that you see cosplayed very much.
Saturday Cosplay:      FFT White Mage
Sunday Cosplay:     Brandon Heat

Offline EmAino

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WHY are you cosplaying as <blank>?
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2006, 01:39:49 pm »
I'm cosplaying Sailor Jupiter because Sailor Moon is what got me into anime in the first place, and Mako-chan is my favorite character.  Also, my friends tell me that I remind them of her anyway, so why not?

I'm cosplaying Yuu because I haven't really seen any Comic Party cosplayers, and the series needs more attention, darnit!
Sakuracon 2014
Kyoko Sakura - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Yugito Nii - Naruto Shippuden
Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon

God Tier Jane Crocker - Homestuck
Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon
Kyoko Sakura - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Komachi Onozuka - Touhou

Offline kiroshimatsu

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« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2006, 06:36:58 pm »
Quote from: "XCrashCardX"
I'm cosplaying as Brandon Heat because 1. GunGrave is my favorit Animie and 2. its not a Animie that you see cosplayed very much.

Friggin' awesome... Are you dressing up as the younger or the older version of him? OH or the "beyond the grave" version!?
"Things'll turn out shiny, so don't fret and grab life by the horns."

Offline JimmyDarkside

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« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2006, 11:58:37 pm »
I'm cosplaying as Lain from Serial Experiments Lain.  It's one of my favorite series.  I love the storyline and the feel of it. Several reasons for cosplaying as her besides that.  She is small and looks a bit like me.  I am pretty short for my age and my eye color and natural hair color are the same as her's, so it suits me.  I can't sew, and her outfits are fairly simple, but cute.  Also, I NEVER see anyone cosplay as her.  I figured it'd be fun to do a rare cosplay.  X3
KumoriCon '07
Kino - Kino no Tabi

-Boxes collected so far: 3
--SakuraCon 06 - Closing Ceremonies
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Offline the_wind_the_sea

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« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2006, 10:06:16 am »
I am cosplaying as Luna from the Sailor Moon S Movie, because A) the costume is gorgeous, B) it's finally finished, and C) I have a Snow Queen, who is the whole reason I am cosplaying as Luna in the first place.

Naomi Misora from Deathnote, because, I don't know any other characrter that will fit me. I just think that she's really cool too. (Depends if the bootcovers are done)

Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, I've done this character for the past two years. I'm also getting him a new jacket, so of course I am going to cosplay him! I shall also have a Heero!

Taiki Kou from Sailor Moon Stars, I love Taiki. I will have a Seiya and Yaten. Also, yellow suits are awesome!

Ran Fujimiya from Weiss Kreuz, I'm not too sure about this one right now. It depends if Namoi's bootcovers are made. But, if I do, it'll be fun.

Sixteen Year Kumoricon Veteran
Kumoricon'19 Plans-

Offline Tinkeu

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« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2006, 11:06:32 am »
I'm cosplaying as Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII because he's one of my favorite characters of any series, Videogame or otherwise.... He's also going to pose a bit of a challenge for me but because he's one of my favorites, I want to do my very best on it. So he's a bit of an inspiration. Another thing is that I'm totally excited for Dirge of Cerebus to come out.^^ I know I'm going to be totally into cosplaying him after playing that game^^ Though, I don't know how much more excited I can get before my brain bursts!
K-con 05-Zidane Tribal, Final Fantasy IX
K-con 06-Vincent Valentine, Final Fantasy VII
k-con 07/08-Papparazi!
K-con 09-Tsukasa Amou, Juvenile Orion
             Turk Vincent, Final Fantasy VII
             OroKabuto, Naruto?

Offline {m}

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« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2006, 11:19:25 am »
Emm.. because I really couldn't think of anything else I'd rather do?

Also as a first time-er, I figured a Sexy no Jutsu Kakashi wouldn't be too difficult, ((I'm not touching the Sharingan. No. No way.)) and as I am being dragged to this ((Though I am looking forward to it!)) by friends, I may as well be a character I love. ((Plus, no strapping down! :D))

Also, my personality is as close as it can get to Kakashi's.
I'm just insane, though one of my sides is very much like him.

Another point is that two of my friends are also going, though as Sexy versions of Iruka and Itachi((? It's possible our Itachi may be killed by our Iruka before we can make it there. :wink: ))

All in all, I'm just not being very original. :mrgreen:
Hmmm what to do next year?

Who saw the SnJ Kakashi?!

Offline Kendra

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« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2006, 11:30:34 am »
Lets see...This is if I finish them all in time ^_^;

Misty-Pokemon. It'll be a fun, relaxed outfit. Simple and everyone will recognize it, but it isn't overcosplayed.

Dokuro, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan-The anime is hillarious. If you haven't seen it, download it. That, and I think it'll be fun to try being an angel for a day. Sure, an angel that clubs people to death, but why not? Her outfit is really cute.

Karen-Soul Link-Karen is awesome. She always wants to go and kick someone's butt. That, and I get to carry around my favorite gun, a glock :). I don't think anyone will recognize her, but she's really hot. And its nice to have a character that is dressed fairly hobag.

Save Point Moogle-I'd be lying if I said it wasn't for the attention.

I think its interesting that some people say it is because their personalities match the characters they are cosplaying. Does anyone cosplay people that are very unlike themselves, so they can 'get into character' and try something new?
Saturday, Monday Cosplay: Karen-Soul Link
Sunday Cosplay:"Save Point" Moogle-FFIX

Offline Tinkeu

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« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2006, 11:39:44 am »
Quote from: "Kendra"

I think its interesting that some people say it is because their personalities match the characters they are cosplaying. Does anyone cosplay people that are very unlike themselves, so they can 'get into character' and try something new?

That's me! I don't think I could be more different from Vincent Valentine. Getting into his character will be part of the challenge for me.^^ But never-the-less, it'll be fun to see what I can do! *is rather bouncy and happy, sometimes annoying? While Vincent is quiet and brooding*
K-con 05-Zidane Tribal, Final Fantasy IX
K-con 06-Vincent Valentine, Final Fantasy VII
k-con 07/08-Papparazi!
K-con 09-Tsukasa Amou, Juvenile Orion
             Turk Vincent, Final Fantasy VII
             OroKabuto, Naruto?

Offline XCrashCardX

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« Reply #29 on: July 25, 2006, 11:32:22 pm »
Quote from: "kiroshimatsu"
Quote from: "XCrashCardX"
I'm cosplaying as Brandon Heat because 1. GunGrave is my favorit Animie and 2. its not a Animie that you see cosplayed very much.

Friggin' awesome... Are you dressing up as the younger or the older version of him? OH or the "beyond the grave" version!?

I'm doing the Young Brandon Heat when he is still in the gang with Kenny, Jolice, and Harry. But don't worry. I will have the double pistoles. =)
Saturday Cosplay:      FFT White Mage
Sunday Cosplay:     Brandon Heat

Offline Runa

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« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2006, 09:46:32 am »
Prince of the Cosmos (Katamari): Because the JoAnn's store near my work was closing (in preparation of the opening of a JoAnn's super store), and they were selling the fabric by the bolt at dirt cheap prices during the last few days of the store's existence and there was this green fabric that was too nice to I bought it on a whim. Turns out, it was just enough to make the body of the costume, so I dug through my stash and found other fabrics that would work with it as the other bits of the costume (yes, the Katamari ball was made from stuff from my stash...didn't buy more fabric).

Yankumi (Gokusen): After watching the series I decided to make the costume because I wanted something simple and comfy to wear on the last day of the convention. The best part is that since it's a jogging suit, I can wear it mundanely and no one knows I'm cosplaying (stealth cosplay is so much fun).

Karna (Nea Under 7): This costume came into existence simply because I just happened to have a middle eastern SCA costume that I didn't wear and I noticed that it could be quickly altered to be that anime character.

There are others, but that's sufficient for now. Most of the time I pick a character because I like the costume the character is wearing or because I just happen to have most of the required fabrics to make it...

Offline shikyo

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« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2006, 11:51:40 pm »
I'm a first timer at cosplaying but not a first timer at going to cons. ^_^
I decided I should cosplay someone and I WAS going to cosplay Kyo from Diru but then I changed my mind and went for Toshiya.

Toshiya(Dir en grey)-Yokan PV
I'm cosplaying him becasue this was one of the easiest outfits of his to cosplay. Though I think my face structure looks more like Kaoru, I decided on Totchi's yokan outfit. Plus I'm in love with his hair, so I love my new hairstyle.

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« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2006, 12:21:17 am »
I'm cosplaying as Shadow the Hedgehog for many reasons.

1. It's a rare cosplay to see. Sonic characters in general don't get cosplayed hardly at all, so it's nice to have something different from the crowd. I love original ideas.

2. The designing freedom. I was able to design my own version of a Shadow costume, and a female version at that. I love knowing that no one else will have my exact same costume at a convention. It's unique. And since I couldn't make a fur suit, there was really no standard for the costume (As in there was no specific way it had to look). I just looked at Shadow and put my own twist on things.

3. Simply put - I love that black hedgehog. Shadow is my obsession, and my hero in more ways than one. I respect him, I love his attitude, I love the way he looks, I love his deep red eyes, and I love how mysterious he is. I can't think of one reason why I wouldn't want to cosplay as him.

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Offline Washougal_Otaku

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« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2006, 08:55:08 am »
Well, none of these are absolute, but here's what I've got.

Mamoru Kusanagi - Blue Seed was the first series that I saw all the way through and bought.  Kusanagi is awesome.  I love that guy.

Zelos of Tales of Symphonia - I have never played this game.  I am doing this because a friend of mine is going as Shihna (spelling?) and thought I'd make a good Zelos.

Lina Inverse - It's a long story, so let's just say that I was suckered into it by my friends.
My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh

Offline PinqFuu

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« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2006, 09:07:40 am »
Lust, she's very smart, she's very attractive, she's very strong and passionate.

Ashura, sweet earlier, but evil later, elegant asexual killer god.

Mmmm yea, and also if their costumes are a challenge. That's usually one of the next big deciding factors.
It's hard being pinq.

Offline Kouta

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« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2006, 10:10:04 am »
Well money just got supertight around here. So if I am able to do anything, it will probably be Kouno Tooru from Princess Princess. (In his school festival outfit, but not the play) Why? I love blue hair. Oh right for a real reason. I think its a cute outfit, and Kouno is a pretty cool guy and I am kinda like him... that is not want to hurt anyone's feelings so I try to be passive and indecisive.
Plus I would have no idea where to start for Kaya's (Schwarx Stein/Another Cell) outfit, even though I love the guy's voice like no other.

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2006, 12:22:08 pm »
lets see
sakaki azumanga daioh, cuz shes tuff on the outside but shes afraid to show her soft one and some of you know the crazeyness i am but i dont show that side to every one
ururu from bleach shes afraid and sad eyed and can kick butt
sumomo cuz shes crazey
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2006, 05:04:41 pm »
Wull. With me, it's whoever I can pull off as far as looking somewhat like them goes.

My hair is far from being like pretty much any anime character... ever. Unless I straighten it. And wigs are out because I have long and thick hair that's near impossible to completely hide under a wig.

That said, I'm going with Hakkai from Saiyuki this year. Right hair colour, and I could style it to be a good lot like his hair.

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« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2006, 02:31:50 pm »
I'm going as Ema Skye from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. She's my favorite female character from my all-time favorite game. Plus, she's my age so I fit with the costume well (besides the fact that I'm eight inches taller than her Japanese height...). The only problem I have is my hair. It's too short. But I can manage... somehow. xD;

Offline Wolf Wood

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« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2006, 03:14:50 pm »
im going as sora because

1.hes excatlly like me i have good friends and the same attitude

2.because its a challenging costume

3.because sora can take down anything  :D  8)

Offline YumeMegami

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« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2006, 04:13:36 pm »
Haruno Sakura - I've been a fan of Naruto since the beginning (not since coming to America, but since it was in Japan). I wanted to cosplay as a girl from Konoha, and I thought Sakura (while being weak as she is) had potential as a character.

Tomoyo-hime (from Tsubasa Chronicles) - I fell in love with the series the second I heard the music XD Anyways, aside from Sakura, Tomoyo is my favorite girl character from the series. Besides, you don't see many Tomoyos out there ;)
<u><b>Kumoricon 2007</b></u>
-Delphine-sama (<i>Last Exile</i>) --> Saturday, Sunday(?), Monday

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« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2006, 09:19:14 pm »
Well, it looks like Zelos is out of the picture.
My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh

Offline Nekochi

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« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2006, 09:33:42 pm »
Princess Mars: My church has a father daughter event every year. It's really neat. Every year there is a different theme that you dress up for. This year it was Kings and Princesses. Of course I wanted a dress that would double as a cosplay. ^-^ I looked at cosplay lab for inspiration and saw Rei-sama's interpitation of this dress. Wow. Not only is Mars my second favorite character but the dress is really beautiful. I love that I got to wear it. (Btw I was the best dressed girl at the father daughter event. ;) )

2008 cosplays:
Princess Mars from Sailor Moon
Lumina from Harvest Moon AWL/DS ?
Ouran High School Host Club Junior High Uniform

Offline HeavenscloneX

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« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2006, 10:31:29 pm »
Dante: To make up for the horrible Dante cosplay I had last Kumoricon.  This one has a different coat and I have better gloves and a wig.

Zack: My friend Zach and I agreed to do a partner cosplay.  Originally, we were going to do Dante and Vergil.  However, we couldn't get a Vergil together in time.  So, we are doing Cloud and Zack from Final Fantasy VII.  It'll look neat carrying around near identical Buster Swords.  I also chose this cosplay for the skit idea we are going through with for the Cosplay Contest.

Akito Sohma (anime version): I've always cosplayed as good guys.  I wanted to do a 180* (and NOT by means of gender, for all those comments I'm probably going to get about Akito being a girl in the manga).  Anywho, I wanted to be a character that was hated to a degree of none other (well, maybe not as much as Nakago).
~Yatta Dante
The Anime Hunters

Offline ambergen87

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« Reply #44 on: August 16, 2006, 03:46:42 pm »
I go as minor characters because they don't get cospayed as much.

Kuroneko-sama...*thinking pose for a minute, then puts on a happy face* because I love kitties!

Izumi from FMA because I am currently in love with that show and she is so cool! *smiles*

Raine from FF8 because I need something easy for the last day I guess *shruggs*, and nobody really cosplays as her.
Randomness is good for the soul.

The swag lady.

Cosplay for Kumoricon 2011:
Saturday: Lolita
Sunday: Seychelles
Monday: Catgirl Schoolgirl

Friday: Random yukata girl
Sat: Don't know
Sun: Don't know
Mon: Raine from Final Fantasy VIII

Offline oishiidesuyo

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« Reply #45 on: August 16, 2006, 04:56:47 pm »
this year i'll be cosplaying cosplaying from azumanga daioh ~ i say tomo because i suppose she's got the shortest hair. ^^; i recently got my hair cut like a japanese schoolboy ... lol. it's the costume where sakaki is selling stuffed animals ... with the hat that looks like chiyochan's dad. remember? :3
i chose this because it's simple, and because i think it will be recognisable. i originally wanted to buy a seigaku outfit but my parents didn't approve. ;;
[size=9]FOOL! two swords and a hat don't make a samurai!!![/size]

Offline Irnogs

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« Reply #46 on: August 16, 2006, 08:16:12 pm »
I have a few outfits lined up for this year:

Misa from Death Note - I really like some of the clothes she wears and Dustin is going as Light/Raito.

Asuka (yellow sundress) from Eva - Tiffany Grant, of course! Actually she was at Anime Detour this year and I started the cos for that, but my wig arrived late GRRR... now I have it all together though. :-)

Maho from Beck - BECK is AWESOME! Who doesn't like Maho, or Koyuki for that matter? Hopefully we can get Dustin that "55" (shfify-five anyone? lol) shirt before the con so he can go as Koyuki.

Offline Sasu-kitty

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« Reply #47 on: August 16, 2006, 09:03:04 pm »
Time-Skip Sasuke (Naruto) - Because my friends told me I should, and I was told if I did, I'd be glomped.

Hisagi Shuuhei (Bleach) - Because he's badass, and I didn't want to be a generic Shinigami.

L (Death Note) - I'm now officially obsessed with DN and my friend told me I should cosplay L.  Plus, I want an excuse to eat cake while looking totally insane. >_>

Plans for Kumori '08
Hei (Darker than Black)
Ichiro (Nerima Daikon Brothers)
Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu)
Possibly more...

Offline Ayaroki

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« Reply #48 on: August 16, 2006, 10:11:27 pm »
Quote from: "Sasu-kitty"
Time-Skip Sasuke (Naruto) - Because my friends told me I should, and I was told if I did, I'd be glomped.

Plus there's an Orochimaru that's rather hoping for a loyal Sasuke to be there.   >____>;

Kumoricon 2008 Cosplay Schedule -

Konan -- Naruto -- 100%


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« Reply #49 on: August 17, 2006, 02:30:22 am »
Quote from: "Sasu-kitty"
Time-Skip Sasuke (Naruto) - Because my friends told me I should, and I was told if I did, I'd be glomped.

Hi Aaron. <3

As for me:

Urahara Kisuke (Bleach) - I used him at Sakuracon. I might as well give him another run. Don't want to retire his outfit yet. :3

Commandar Amarao (FLCL) - My friends and I were all sitting down watching this when he popped up on the screen. This got one of my friends to mention that I should cosplay him, with everyone agreeing that I could pretty easily pull him off. So I'm giving it a shot. EXCITING!

Reno (FF7)(Maybe) - I'm considering doing him too, because his outfit is exactly the same as Amarao, except he has a ponytail and no fuzzy eyebrows. :p