Author Topic: Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?  (Read 29951 times)

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Offline Oubeji

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« on: July 03, 2004, 12:58:45 pm »
I am thinking about selling my art by getting the table. But I have some questions that I would like to have some answers to.
First, how big is the space that I'll be able to display my art?
Second, is it all right to sell anything beside artwork?
Third, is selling other artists (like my friends) art permitted?
And lastly, how many spaces are available in total?
Oh wait, I also want to leave the artists alley and venture off on my own sometime, so does this mean I have to bring someone to watch the place for me during my absence?

I am also curious as to who is going to be selling their art.

I also want to cosplay as Kagome from Inuyasha if I can get it in time. (Very big IF) But it would be fun! I also want to decorate the table to make it more visable/eye catching to the customer. Any suggestions?

I also would love to hear how everyone is printing out their CG work. It is so expensive to do it at Kinko...
But I don't have a very good printer, and my Dad has one but he has no idea how to resize it! ^^;
So any help on how to make good prints would be greatly appreciated.

Little more information like this in the Navi section would be helpful for others too.

PS- I will be going to the 7/25 meeting. I was just wondering if any artists were going to be able to make it. :D

Offline Xella

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2004, 08:11:26 am »
Info, as far as I know it:

The table is 6'x3'—a standard table size.  Not the most comfortable bed (don't ask), but plenty big for artists =D (I would have been fine with just the half-table originally alotted, but then again, I have NOTHING by way of fanart for things other than BA, FoD, and Shadows (which can't be considered fanart because a) they're webcomics, and b) they're MY webcomics o_o;) so I don't expect very many people to be interested.

As for things other than artwork... if it's made by you, as far as I can tell, it's fine.  That means that selling Slayers manga is out; selling Shadows manga (if Akadot would kindly ship my TONE @___@;;) is in =D  T-shirts, mugs, posters, bookmarks, and that ilk is fine, as long as it's made with YOUR art, NOT others'.

That said, I'm not sure where selling the artwork of friends comes in.  If they're at the table with you, then yeah, wind's your thing, but if they're not even at con, I dunno... that was never an issue that came up with me, as Aslua is made up of seven writers and one artist (me, in other words), so the only art I'm selling is my own.

Walking away is something I do plan on doing (unless my foot isn't not-broken by the time Con comes around @@;), but I'm not about to leave my stuff there.  This is what hotel rooms are for =D

As for the other stuff... I'm not sure.  There's a VERY limited number of tables, to be sure, and I don't know how many people have grabbed one besides myself.

Most of my sellables (which looks like it's going to be mostly prints.  Bleh) are being printed through my home printer (an Epson... something that prints up to 13" wide).  Kinko's or CafePress looks like my other option for things wider than 13" (for example, the traditional anime poster is 15" x 21" or thereabouts, and I loathe to have my poster be the smallest on the wall >>).  CafePress offers a discount on bulk orders, and while I'm not the fondest of the quality of their T-shirt transfers, their other stuff is quality enough for me.  It just needs to be ordered SOON or I'm not going to have it in time to pack up for the plane =D;;

On sprucing up the table, I think being in costume is probably one of the shinier things you can do to attract browsers (hence why I'm making a really flamboyant hat XD;;).  The only other tactic I've found artists to do to attract people is just to have good artwork, which is another reason I'm going to make NONE of my con expenses back this year XD;;

Offline Oubeji

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Thank you for the feedback!
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2004, 06:34:24 pm »
Thanks again for the information, it was very helpful.  :)
You make your own manga? I'll be sure to check it out if you are able to bring some! XD I think I'll have to go to Kinko or maybe ask my Dad to make so-so quality prints. I am not sure how many pieces I'll be able to finish by the convention so I might end up carrying stuff around. I don't think I can afford to make any t-shirts or mug cup, even though that sounds like fun. I know in Japan people make stickers, letter set and other nifty stuff but it is really expensive to do that here.
I hope things will starts to be more friendly as more artists venture out to make doujinshi and other goodies. Okay, enough rambling. ^^;


Offline Xella

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2004, 03:12:22 pm »
Like I said, I have a lot of webcomics =D; I had three, then the writers and other artists I was working on and I fell out, so I had two (and a ninth), and then the comic-alternative to NaNoWriMo rolled around in June (it's biannually) and I started a third which I'm HOPING to actually finish in a manga-esque fashion.  Setbacks galore, though (the company I was ordering from a) was having problems accepting my credit card, and b) went off to AnimeExpo later in the day I ordered the stuff and so weren't THERE to talk to about it 'til four or five days later ^^;) which means I probably won't have it in any completed form for KumoriCon this year ;_; Oh well, it just means I can take more time on it and it'll be even BETTER for next year's >D

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2004, 02:12:19 pm »
I just found out about Kumoricon from a buddy of mine, I'll definetly be getting a table. It's been awhile since I've been at a show but I'm really looking forward promoting my new comic and website (, theres nothing there yet). Hope to meet you guys there.


Offline Oubeji

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2004, 07:16:07 pm »
Cool, more artists! I checked out your site, but as you said there is nothing posted yet. I'll come back again once you had the time to upload some of your images. ^_^

Offline Sarutobi_Asuma

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2004, 02:06:35 am »
i would bring some of my pieces if they were organized and more numerous and diverse (is lazy). but thats ok, cuz im more of a comic artist than mangaka... and im not japanese, so i would feel kinda like a poser if i called it manga anyway....
*is willing to ninja duel anyone who challenges*

Offline StrawberryJeli

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Artist Alley: Will you be showcasing there?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2004, 12:20:37 pm »
I will have a table (my first)! I'll have posters and prints of my art for sale. I have a question for anyone who's been in the artist alley before, what kind of requests do you usually get for commissions? Fan art, original characters, both?