Author Topic: artist alley?  (Read 35318 times)

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Offline sae

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artist alley?
« on: April 26, 2004, 12:45:19 pm »
Hey guys!

I heard about your con while I was at Sakuracon and I'm most excited to show up :) I was wondering, though, what venues you have for aspiring artists, specifically if you plan on having something like an artist's alley?

If you could let me know when you'll be posting that information, I'd be grateful.


Offline EvilMonkey

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artist alley?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2004, 02:29:47 pm »
There will be an Artist's Alley area, it'll be called the Common Market, this is an area for aspiring artists and NFP convnetions and the like to sell works, registrations, etc.  You can actually get a contract for a table through the exhibitor relations director.
~Sean Larson~

Offline staze

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artist alley?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2004, 12:27:18 am »
along those same lines, there will be an art show as well... which the art director will be getting some documentation up sometime within the next week or so.  

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Offline Ruriko

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« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2004, 05:59:13 pm »
What a grand idea.

I heard about the con via a pallie at

What sort of things are generally displayed in the Artist's Alley?  *points to newbie name*  Thankyou for your patience at my retardeness.......

Offline EvilMonkey

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artist alley?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2004, 07:02:06 pm »
Artist Alley (our Common Market) is usually a place where artists have some of their artwork shown and for sale, and non-profit organizations are setup.  Basically it gives con-goers access to talk to the artist or organizer and just get to know more about the artist or convention, etc.  It's seperated from the exhibitor's hall so that people can actually hear and talk.
~Sean Larson~

Offline Ruriko

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« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2004, 11:45:29 pm »
Definition appreciated.  ^_^  Another favour to ask though, is it posted somewhere what is allowed and what is not allowed in the artist alley?  For example, if I have some awesome fan art, I'd probably not be allowed to show/sell it, as it is copyrighted material....But anything of my own creation, entirely my own creation, would be allowed for show and for sale....Have done only slight research on topic, and is very sticky....would appreciate clarificiation if it is possible?

Thankyou again--


Offline staze

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artist alley?
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2004, 12:47:08 am »
we'll let the Art Show Director respond to this... we have some basic rules laid out, but I think we're going to firm them up this weekend.  

I'll poke her and get her to respond.
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Offline Ruriko

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artist alley?
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2004, 07:22:25 am »
Thankyou, Staze. ^_^  Apologies for silly and slightly redunant posts, but I just want to be sure!  ^_^  Will this be covered at Sundays' meeting?


Offline staze

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artist alley?
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2004, 10:32:55 am »
if you are there, wait until after or before the meeting and bring it up with the girl with very long brown hair, or find me (long blonde hair) and I'll point her out to you.  

I'm sure she can answer your questions.  We'll be together most of the time... so find her or me, and you're bound to see the other.
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Offline Druihd

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artist alley?
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2004, 01:41:32 pm »
As far as selling fanart, is really depends on the characters you are depicting.  I would never touch any North American copyrighted character, but there is a much different attitude regarding Japanese Animation and Manga.  In Japan, it is quite common for starting artists to draw, and sell as doujinshi, characters that don't belong to them.  So, if you chose to create and sell Anime Fanart, it is extremely unlikely the creator will come after you.

That being said, there are companies in North America who actually 'own' the rights to these characters.  So while it is 'technically' copyright infringement, and they 'technically' can come after you.  I have never seen, read, or heard of that being done.  Companies will turn a blind eye to the point where you will see Fanart in Newtype and other magazines.

As with most other cons, you will have to sign a waiver taking responsibility for the artwork you wish to sell.  Just in case lightning strikes, the con is not responsible.

As for other stuff you can't have in ArtShow/Artist Alley: you cannot have adult material in plain view, and you cannot sell images you did not create.

Hope this helps!
2003 Art Show Director
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Offline Spit

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artist alley?
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2004, 09:09:22 pm »
soo kindof an artist or aleast i want to be, like where i sell my art but i mostly draw characters from a show, but i don't think my art is that sellable, if i tried to sell without permission from the creator or something i wouldn't get arresset or something but then i would??? lol im sooo confused!! hahha! but then again i am only a ok so my question is, could i sell my art at this convention, or at least show it to ppl..?
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Offline staze

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artist alley?
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2004, 11:05:52 pm »
yes, you can buy a panel to show your art.  you can choose for it to be "Not for Sale" or "NSF", or you can choose to sell it.  

Thankfully, Anime Studios, and artists, realize that the fanart community is large, and is a very large part of their market... if they were to pursue legal action against fanartists, they would be hurting themselves.  As such, they generally are not interested in lawsuits against fanartists as long as there is not blantant plagerism.  (i.e. tracing something and calling it your own).  Even then, they are much more likely to send you a letter saying "draw something else" than sue you.  You can use their characters, but you generally want to design the scene and pose yourself.  This is not ment to say that they will never do such a thing, but I personally know of no instance of a fanartist being sued by an anime studio.  

So by all means, come to our con, show off your artwork... sell if it you want... the more artists we have, the better.  I know our art show coordinator would love to make Kumoricon known for it's art show...
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
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Offline Ruriko

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artist alley?
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2004, 08:55:24 pm »
Do we need our artwork approved before it goes on display, or is it just going to go up??

I totally agree!!  I'm psyched to come because of all the Art that seems to be going to go up. ^_^  I've heard from a couple of people about it, and it's quite exciting.  


Offline Arison

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artist alley?
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2004, 10:51:41 pm »
Quote from: "Staze"
yes, you can buy a panel to show your art.  you can choose for it to be "Not for Sale" or "NSF", or you can choose to sell it.  

Do you have to stay with the panel during the con? I'd like to get a panel to sell my art, but I'd also like to go around the con instead of having to stay near the panel.

Offline staze

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artist alley?
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2004, 01:16:15 pm »
no, the art room is staffed... you do not need to stay with your artwork.

and no, it doesn't need to be approved... though if it's considered R rated then there might be some issues.  Art... it's a sticky word... so use your best judgement... if you have questions about it ask... but it's kinda like our cosplay policy... if you have to ak whether it's okay, then it might not be.  =P
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

Offline Arison

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artist alley?
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2004, 11:04:29 pm »
Thanks for letting me know. Huh, maybe I will get a panel after all...


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I'm starting to worry...
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2004, 10:06:17 am »

I emailed about a table on the 12th and still haven't heard back. I'm starting to worry that my email was lost, or that there might not be space left.

I need a full table for myself, and I want to make sure I've paid and everything before I show up. I'm travelling rather a long way--from Minnesota--and I need to make sure I have a space or I can't justify the cost of coming at all.

Thank you very much for your time!


Offline Ruriko

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artist alley?
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2004, 11:55:39 am »
Likewise, I have been interested in this for a while...I got an e'mail a while back (Like three months), and it said that someone would be in touch-- havn't heard anything yet.  Are you guys still going to have an Artist's Alley?


Offline RemSaverem

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artist alley?
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2004, 02:28:13 am »
we in the kumoricon_fanfiction yahoo group, are also publishing an off-line zine. if you would like any of your fanart, fanfics, etc., published therein, just let us know, asap! :)
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
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