Author Topic: Rave for Jamiche & Karaoke  (Read 2255 times)

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Offline SephiChan

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Rave for Jamiche & Karaoke
« on: August 28, 2006, 06:25:40 pm »
I didn't really know who to direct this to--I'm assuming to Jamiche, but I don't know if there are others out there involved in coordinating the karaoke contests.

I wanted to say, I've been attending Seattle's Sakura Con since 2001, and have participated in their karaoke contests a number of times. This will be my first time at Kumoricon, let alone my first time in a Kumori karaoke contest.
I have to say, I'm very impressed with how organized the registration process is. I can tell those responsible for the contests have put a lot of work into structuring them, and I have to say thank you.

I've been disappointed with Sakura Con's contest at times, because registraion is usually a mad rush to the Info Desk at the convention, and because there are no auditions--anyone can make it in, no matter how unprepared.
I've always thought having auditions would add to the competitive edge of karaoke contests, and online registration is just so much easier than standing in a line at the convention for 2 hours, and then hoping that sign ups aren't full when you get to the desk.

So in short, kudos to Jamiche (if that's who I should be thanking), and anyone else working as karaoke staff. Thank you for having your stuff together; you really seem like you know what you're doing.

I can't wait to see how the contests play out. Thanks again. ^_^

Offline yukimizu

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Rave for Jamiche & Karaoke
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 09:36:06 pm »
:applauds: I agree!! I really have appreciated how helpfull the karaoke con staff(and overal con staff) have been with this year. Even when I've been fairly grumpy at times! I know what you mean about Sakuracon. The one time I entered the contest(2004) I happened upon the line and asked what it was about.
And the problem was as con staff was running by demanding that we not be in lines. That was kinda harsh.
I seriously love how Kumoricon is organized, and working hard to make this con fun!

Offline SephiChan

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Rave for Jamiche & Karaoke
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2006, 11:36:14 pm »
Quote from: "yukimizu"
And the problem was as con staff was running by demanding that we not be in lines. That was kinda harsh.

I didn't participate in the contest that year, but they were the same way in 2003. I guess they didn't expect the incredibly-popluar karaoke event to bring people 2 hours early to wait in line and sign up. I mean, come on, they couldn't seriously think that everyone would get there only 5 minutes before sign up opened, did they...?
And, this past con, they acknowledged the line, but when registration opened, they just called everyone up, so there was a mad rush for the desk rather than them bringing in the line in order.

ANYWAY! I shouldn't be bashing another con when this about about Kumori. You guys are a LOT more organized, and I appreciate it.