I wish I could have seen the person who was cosplaying as Jenova in her costume. She was telling me and my friends about it in the lobby at the Oxford Hotel after the convention ended Monday.
This was my first convention and my first time wearing a costume for something other than Halloween or a play, so that was alot of fun. I was really shy though, I had a hard time building up the words to socialize with people. I feel kind of stupid for that, because there’s LOTS of people I would have loved to gotten to know better.
Anyway, my costume was Gaara. I was the only one wearing shorts. I also didn't have my gourd since the head fell off right before the convention. I'll have pictures of it's reconstruction with the pictures that I'll be uploading from the convention for anyone who wants to see them. I was originally building the costume for Halloween, but I happened to learn about this convention from browsing the net back at around the end of July, so I was like "well hey, that looks like fun." So me and my friends brought our costumes, though they were still a bit rough. ^_^
Anyway, some memorable events for me at the convention...
Well, since I couldn't make it to Portland on Friday nor Saturday (had to work) I only got to play on Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning when I arrived with my buds to pick up our weekend passes, with in the first couple minutes of being there, this guy dressed as Gai Sensei (I thought he was Lee at first, because I can never tell the difference between the two characters anyway) yelled out my character name, so he had me stand in the lobby with him and someone who actually was dressed as Lee.
It took us like two minutes to get into places. I was having a hard time following directions; I was so confused and overwhelmed already by the amount of people...
So anyway, we did an awesome pose for a scene of Gai holding a broken and beaten Lee while crying and with Gaara (me) standing to the side acting all cruel and quiet.
This was my first real experience with the picture taking. I had already had my picture taken one or two times while getting my pass, but during this pose all these people stopped and were taking pictures like crazy. The poor guy dressed as Gai had to of felt exhausted from holding Lee for so long. I was feeling kind of pooped too, all those flashes. My eyes are sensitive to light unfortunately. ;_;
Then some more Naruto cosplayers gathered around and we did another pose, with Gai doing the splits on the floor. And again pictures were being taken like crazy. I don't know how much time passed between these two scenes, but it felt like a long time. Not that it was a bad thing. I loved it.
Hmm... oh, my friend who was dressed as Sakura is going to be in the Portland Tribune. A photographer came and took a picture of her for it, so that was awesome.
I was so tired Sunday, hadn't had any sleep since Thursday, only short naps, so I ended up falling asleep in one of the halls. A group of girls gathered around me and something woke me up, then one of them gave me a hug. I lost my balance and fell on my butt, so then another one came flying into me, tackle-hugging me (glomp, right?). Then another one landed on top of me, and another one. It was a Gaara-pile-up. Then this other girl who I had kept bumping into all around the convention popped out of no where and started messing with my hair. I think she was giving me a noogie. It was all good though. ^_^
Lets see... I broke a lamp in the Oxford lobby on accident after the convention. Busted that sucker up really good. Serves it right for flashing me.
Actually my elbow had hit the table and the table fell over, the lamp going with it. I didn't get in trouble though, the management came in and said the table wasn't supposed to be there, and the foot was hanging off the edge/lip of the carpet, so it obviously had little balance. Still I felt a bit embarrassed.
I loved the Karaoke. This one cosplayer was dressed as Edward from FMA, she was awesome. Actually all the singers were awesome, just she impressed me the most with this one song she sang. She was delivering the words so fast it was hard to keep up.
And uh, I got two bloody noses after the convention! Must have been from all the hugs I got. Har har... actually the nose bleeds aren't that interesting, but the guy at a gas station I stopped at was pretty scared. He asked me what had happened, and I told him some old lady whooped my butt in the parking lot. He looked mortified, seeing me with two black eyes (from my Gaara make up) and I had blood all over my hands, my shirt, and my face. He asked me "is she still out there?" I started laughing and told him I was only kidding, then he was like "oh thank god. If some old lady could do that, all I have to say is dayum."
All and all this was the most fun I had in a long time. I am planning to go to the Sakura-Kon next year, which next time I am going to try and not be as quiet. If I seemed kind of cold or what not to anyone, I apologize. I just felt a little overwhelmed by the number of people...
I'm sure I have other stories I'd like to share, but I can't remember anything else at the moment. When my pictures are done developing, I'll post a topic or something and maybe share some more stuff if anyone is interested. ^_^