This is an order for the wigs at I had planned on ordering a whole lot of wigs but some things came up and now I don't have enough for a wholesale order. For witch wigs, in order to qualify you need at least 12 wigs. What's so great about this order is that you get 40% off all the wigs at This 40% comes off the sale prices of the wigs, which is already low. For this order I will only accept Paypal and money orders. Since the order is coming up quite quick, it would be preferred paypal.
You take the sale price on the site and minus 40% from that total. $3 per wig for the shipping from the company to my place. Now if you don't want to style your wig then you can save on shipping and I will give it to you at the con. To guarantee you'll get it, I'll make sure you can get in touch with me on Friday or that Saturday during the con. Other wise the shipping is 3.50 for your first wig and 1.50 for each additional wig you have.
For example, take one of my wigs: Cher 951 in Dark Purple
The sale price is 47.99 with 40% off it's 28.79. I would add 3 dollars (31.79). Then if I was having it sent to a house, the grand total would be 35.29.
Please PM me with your name, your address, shipping option (sent to your house or drop off for Kumori Con people), payment and wig details (wig name, color, and sale price).
I will be placing the order August 10th so please be prompt on payment. And hopefully the wigs should show the last week of August.
Please be free to ask any questions you might have.