o_o i was so wrapped up in my apology i didnt talk about MY stalker! X3
actually, I had a fun stalker. It was the 3rd day when i was that really....really...freaky looking anti-sora. This girls, she was like, "O_O OMG, so much black!" and she ran up to me and started poking me. then she said, "Im going to be your stalker, okay?! ^_^" and I stupidly said, "8D OKAY!" and so she was my stalker. :3 every now and then, she would pop up out of the blue and start poking the hell out of me.
infact, I made really good friends with her! ^_^ I still talk to her on msn, and we met up at the mall a few weeks after the con. I made so many friends from kumori con! >w< Im so happy! It's really great, cause I didn't make ANY friends at the first kumo con, or sakura con. So this con really made up for it. :3