^ Not so much. I like in person stuff better.
< Wow, what a weekend. FLy to POrtland, then on to Phoenix, help g/f load p/u.
Drive to Flagstaff, over to Meteor Crater, back to Flagstaff, buy a tankful of bad gas, listen to p/u engine have hard time all the way to Kingman, Az. Buy more gas and add fuel injector cleaner.
Drive north to Vegas hoping we can make it to there before the truck breaks down, get stopped by security at Hoover Dam, looking for stuff that might blow up said dam. There weren't the droids they were looking for. Got a lot better at tarping the stuff in back.
Made it to Vegas, found Dodge dealer security guy mentioned at Hoover dam. Found rent a guard at car dealer, said service opens at 7am. It being 1am, we check in at Holiday Inn Express, we'll need to be more than "rocket scientists" then. Truck is in and out of dealer in less than 4 hours.
On to Death Valley. huh. Saw Coyote. Stopped at Furnace Creek to look for books on the geology of the area, saw Roadrunner in the parking lot. Beep Beep!
Up and down! Start -280 feet, up to 4,000 feet. Down to 2,000 feet, up to 7,000 feet, down to 3,000 feet. Good thing we got truck serviced. What a workout!
Get me out of California! Lots of night driving. H.I.E. in Bishop, Ca. stunk. Not even a brew basket for coffe in the morning!
Got to see Mono Lake and the Tufa. and the flies.
Up to 8,000 feet. then lunch.
Back in Nevada, Carson City, Reno. Stop for gas before we have to pay California prices again. Having a time trying to find the Duck game on the radio. I got Spokane hockey, Seattle stations, San Francisco stations, but barely KUGN, or KXL, until Lakeview, and that went away just west of Lakeview. bargle fargle!
Picked up my car at Eugene, airport,, then made it home. UNloaded truck bed. Went to bed.
Sprained ankle weirdly yesterday.
Back to work today.
V Did you have a nice weekend?