Author Topic: the ^ < V game  (Read 1846475 times)

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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14350 on: October 27, 2008, 09:21:02 am »
^ I'm at school.... I had to get up early >:(
< *not a morning person*
v Would you rather stay up late but feel bad, or go to sleep really early and feel ok?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14351 on: October 27, 2008, 09:24:15 am »
^ Sleep, Caffeine and Sugar ^^
< But not in that order :3
v Do you have odd/different from everyone else's priorities when it comes to health?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14352 on: October 27, 2008, 09:25:36 am »
^ YES.

< well not really :/ I'm just apt to work myself to death!

V die young and leave a pretty corpse?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14353 on: October 27, 2008, 09:26:18 am »
^ why not? ^^
< Ugg... I used to be really frightened of aging
V thats silly... right?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14354 on: October 27, 2008, 09:28:33 am »
^ No..well..GET TO A GOOD AGE FIRST. then stop aging.

< I don't really look 21?

V Will you be 39 for forever?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14355 on: October 27, 2008, 09:30:53 am »
^ Not aging!! ^^
< I think stopping at 25 would be optimal ^^
v Don't you? :3

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14356 on: October 27, 2008, 09:32:50 am »
^ Hmm....25 is a little young!

< 36 is a good respectable age, I think.

V Rather be "young" or just "not old"?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14357 on: October 27, 2008, 09:34:39 am »
^ I think 'not old' is good ^^
< I'm feeling a lot better now
v Does food usually cheer you up?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14358 on: October 27, 2008, 09:38:41 am »
^ sleeping more so. I can be "AAAA MY WORLD IS CRUSHED AND BROKEN AND TERRIBLE AND I HATE MYSELF WHAT'S THE POINT EMOEMOEMO" but then feel fine after getting some sleep.

< Also, I feel better once I realize that they're a jackass :3

V do you have many epiphanies?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14359 on: October 27, 2008, 10:08:43 am »
^ not really... no
< history class ^^
v Hows your day going?

Offline KogaRyu

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14360 on: October 27, 2008, 10:13:28 am »
^ decent, the starbucks cafe people at school screwed up my chocolate milk! How the Eff you screw up chocolate milk!!!  Anyways it looks like its gonna be a sunny day!

<  browsin the web and being bored

v  how is your day?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14361 on: October 27, 2008, 10:14:30 am »
^^ I'm surprisingly almost done with my theory paper!

^It...will potentially suck or be awesome.

< which means I *might* have time finishing 50 pages of reading for Crime, Politics, and Justice before I have to write a paper on that tonight @__@

V Do you have a lot to do today?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14362 on: October 27, 2008, 10:15:42 am »
^ not really no.... a test next period, but thats all! ^^
< 1111 is a nice number of pages!
v don't you think so?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14363 on: October 27, 2008, 10:18:05 am »
^ not for a book I have to read for school @___@


V would you deal drugs if you had to?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14364 on: October 27, 2008, 10:20:26 am »
^ If i HAD to, yes...
< but why would I, really?
v what is your dream job?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14365 on: October 27, 2008, 10:50:46 am »
^ baker!

< A baker for disney!

V what about you?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14366 on: October 27, 2008, 11:06:54 am »
^ I don't deserve nice things.

< : (((((

V no emo today?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14367 on: October 27, 2008, 11:35:03 am »
^ reaching my goals and getting stuff done!

< Also snuggling up for a horrible movie :3

V Is the sun shining?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14368 on: October 27, 2008, 11:46:11 am »
^ only a lot. especially if they are 23 or 24.


V should I be doing my Community Policing reading?
Anakin, you're breaking my heart if you don't come to "I'd Just as Soon Kiss a Wookiee: A Star Wars Panel" at Kumoricon!

Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14369 on: October 27, 2008, 01:21:04 pm »
^ you don't wanna get behind!
< For some reason I'm kinda glad I have a ton of homework ^^
v Is that weird?

Offline KogaRyu

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14370 on: October 27, 2008, 01:58:04 pm »
^ not if its the type of work you like doing.

< chillin and listening to music I luv afternoons and evenings especially when the sun is out!

v You going to go snowboarding this season?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14371 on: October 27, 2008, 02:08:08 pm »
^ only when theres nothing better to do i.e Sleep.

<   Gonna buy me a new Snowboard!

v Where do you go skiing or snowboarding?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14372 on: October 27, 2008, 02:59:12 pm »
^ Japanese, Math, and Drawing ^^
< uggg >< siblings
v is your family really annoying?

Offline Naruchan

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14373 on: October 27, 2008, 04:18:48 pm »
they were last night....

and I know they are when they get home tonight

do you  have a sister thats cute and then a sister that screams at the cute one?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14374 on: October 27, 2008, 04:34:41 pm »
^ no... unless I'm the cute one... my sister screams at me all the time ><
< but I scream at her to i guess
v thats normal, right?

Offline jaybug

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14375 on: October 27, 2008, 08:34:40 pm »
^ Not so much. I like in person stuff better.

< Wow, what a weekend. FLy to POrtland, then on to Phoenix, help g/f load p/u.

 Drive to Flagstaff, over to Meteor Crater, back to Flagstaff, buy a tankful of bad gas, listen to p/u engine have hard time all the way to Kingman, Az. Buy more gas and add fuel injector cleaner.

Drive north to Vegas hoping we can make it to there before the truck breaks down, get stopped by security at Hoover Dam, looking for stuff that might blow up said dam. There weren't the droids they were looking for. Got a lot better at tarping the stuff in back.

Made it to Vegas, found Dodge dealer security guy mentioned at Hoover dam. Found rent a guard at car dealer, said service opens at 7am. It being 1am, we check in at Holiday Inn Express, we'll need to be more than "rocket scientists" then. Truck is in and out of dealer in less than 4 hours.

On to Death Valley. huh. Saw Coyote. Stopped at Furnace Creek to look for books on the geology of the area, saw Roadrunner in the parking lot. Beep Beep!

Up and down! Start -280 feet, up to 4,000 feet. Down to 2,000 feet, up to 7,000 feet, down to 3,000 feet. Good thing we got truck serviced. What a workout!

Get me out of California! Lots of night driving. H.I.E. in Bishop, Ca. stunk. Not even a brew basket for coffe in the morning!

Got to see Mono Lake and the Tufa. and the flies.

Up to 8,000 feet. then lunch.

Back in Nevada, Carson City, Reno. Stop for gas before we have to pay California prices again. Having a time trying to find the Duck game on the radio. I got Spokane hockey, Seattle stations, San Francisco stations, but barely KUGN, or KXL, until Lakeview, and that went away just west of Lakeview. bargle fargle!

Picked up my car at Eugene, airport,, then made it home. UNloaded truck bed. Went to bed.

Sprained ankle weirdly yesterday.

Back to work today.

V Did you have a nice weekend?
Have Fun


Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14376 on: October 27, 2008, 09:06:34 pm »
^ very nice. In comparison to your weekend mine was nothing though >>
< went to my homecoming dance with Patrick ^^ it was a lot of fun
v awkward high-school dances are...?

Offline StarryShay

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14377 on: October 27, 2008, 10:17:14 pm »
^ Ommigod, yes. 8D
<  Like crackers!!
v Do you eat bagels often?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14378 on: October 27, 2008, 10:35:58 pm »
^ srsly? ewwwwwwwww! I may try to modify my eating habits a bit, but diet. That's DIE with a T.

< I'm thinking burritos for din-din. wheee. I forgot to take something out to thaw.

V Would you forget your, your you know what if it wasn't attached, like I would? oy vay!
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Offline megchan

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14379 on: October 28, 2008, 10:01:14 am »
^ No way. brings in too many weirdos.... >:|

< do Kitchen Shops and Newspaper Advertising, apparently.

V Does your stomach hurt?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14380 on: October 28, 2008, 10:05:13 am »
^ yes actually ><
< I havn't had breakfast yet... I should be having it in advisory ^^
v Are there certain words that make you think something totally different than what they mean? (e.g. Bio makes me think of clouds for some reason)

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14381 on: October 28, 2008, 02:21:16 pm »
^ Yes :) I can't think of any, but I know exactly what you mean.
< I really wish I had an example.
v Ever stop at a green light on accident? (I do it all the time. Never run a red light, but I'll stop at a green light)
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14382 on: October 28, 2008, 02:25:49 pm »
^ no....
< but I have a feeling i would run a lot of red if i were to drive
v Do you have the urge to be a backseat driver when you are in the car with a sibling/parent?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14383 on: October 28, 2008, 02:56:09 pm »
^ I want the mercedes for me! (not that I would ever get it!)
< Hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper....
v hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14384 on: October 28, 2008, 04:03:05 pm »

yea special

ever seen a pimp Vampire?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14385 on: October 28, 2008, 04:40:21 pm »
^ .... no?
< the caffeine is kinda wearing of... very slightly ^^
v is that good?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14386 on: October 28, 2008, 08:37:46 pm »
^ Only World Domination  ^_^

<  prolly gonna play some more DeadSpace!!  Oh baby the Elite suit is soooo secksay!

V Whats the next big video game you plan to pick up?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14387 on: October 28, 2008, 09:21:39 pm »
^  Course!! I luv the night!!

<  No school tomorrow means up as late as i want!

V  whats with this epidemic of people not having school?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14388 on: October 28, 2008, 10:22:16 pm »
^ Beats me.

< I gotta remember all the bad jokes I thought up on my trip.

V Whaddya call a fake convention?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14389 on: October 28, 2008, 10:28:21 pm »
^ ugh...  someone should hit you for that!  Not funnay!

< laying down with my puppy!!   

V what are you doing and why do you not have School!?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14390 on: October 28, 2008, 10:33:02 pm »
^ Getting ready to leave work. Classes were going to interfere with work, or sleep. Whatcha gonna do?

< Better lick next term.

V Where would you like to go for a drive? No, this is not a personal question. I am just wondering about where to go with my g/f Saturday.
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14391 on: October 28, 2008, 10:39:18 pm »
^  UP Mike's, Down Jake's, Where they make the Pancakes!

< i honestly dont know oregon that well, i would look on Welp to see whats kool.

V is anyone been reading this! This is gold!! I am golden tonight!!!
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14392 on: October 28, 2008, 10:57:33 pm »
^ Going?  I'm long gone.  Also, do you mean "going a little bit crazy"?

< I can't wait for K-con Lite!  LIKE SRSLY

V Can you?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14393 on: October 28, 2008, 11:00:11 pm »
^^  No just in need of my DeadSpace.

^  I unfortunately can't go

<  we need more puns!

V Time for capital PUNishment?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14394 on: October 29, 2008, 09:10:39 am »
^ I should check my school email more often....
< But the excuse "i didn't check my email, i did the wrong homework" works well still...
v Do you have un-explainably OK grades, even though you do very little work in your classes?

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14395 on: October 29, 2008, 09:14:43 am »
^ No, I have SUPER AWESOME grades for doing little work ^^;;

< I just know my crime : D

V am I being too cocky?
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Offline NightLotus

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14396 on: October 29, 2008, 09:18:32 am »
^...... maybe?
< But us Megs are allowed to be cocky! Cuz we're awesome that way! :3
v Right? ^^

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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14397 on: October 29, 2008, 09:19:26 am »
^ Right! Super Mega Awesome!

< I want to go out tonight although I KNOW I need sleep! Lots of sleep!

V too much partying?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14398 on: October 29, 2008, 09:26:02 am »
^^ WHY. WHY WOULD I CALL JOE?! and lol by going out I really meant going over to Steve's >___>

^Not currently! But working in the morning kind of bites.

< getting more irritated with the boss.......

V Can you constantly be around the same person?
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Re: the ^ < V game
« Reply #14399 on: October 29, 2008, 09:27:49 am »
^ matters who it is
< I'm always around kaye... -_-
v Annoying people around you right now?