^ As much as cats like dogs
< My god, today was terrible.
First off, I get my quiz back in math, and I got 13/35, on a quiz I was sure I was going to ace. Then my friend Samm is not in math today, so I try and sit with her friends. Her friends scoff at me, and tell me to f*** off.
What a lovely way to start the day.
Then this Mack kid in my science class is being a total jerk, and I jokingly mess with the guy Ryan and the guy who normally makes fun of him tells me I'm being a b*tch and to get off of him.
Then it turns out my science assignment wasn't up to standards, and I have to re-do it.
In D block, I was hanging with a group with 2 people that I like, 2 and we're supposed to be in groups of four. So this other guy joins us, and he's okay, just a little perverted and wont shut up. Any ways though, so these two other people want to join our group, so both of the people I like leave.
Garsh, today was just not my day.
V How was your day?