I finally bought Pinnacle Studio for my home computer, So I can make AMVS away from school.
But so far, version 10.5 sucks compared to version 8, which is what we have at school.
For one, when I want to speed up a scene, it either then skips it or plays random parts of that scene. But it doesnt speed it up. Then whenever I add a special effect, they put their stupid, PINNACLE STUDIO icon over it.
It also does other stuff I hate but those can be fixed. Does anyone who has this and knows what I mean, can you help me fix it? Or is there even a way too?
Im tempted to go back to version 8, and bring this back to Best Buy, but I want all the cool effect version 8 doesnt have.
If I buy 8 as well can I use both to work on one AMV?