(Don't ask, but Bosch and VW use a supply chain web portal called "LI-ON." It's a German abbreviation for "Lieferanten Teile Information Online," and though that doesn't work perfectly, it means "Supplier Part Information Online." It's used for completely automated ordering between VW assembly lines and parts made by Bosch and other part suppliers. It's kinda cool; a fully computer-to-computer relationship where the car factory can directly program production at all the piece-part factories, and schedule just-in-time delivery. Packaging from the upstream suppliers is machine readable so that boxes get delivered by truck, dealt out on automatic conveyors, and then robot forklifts literally drive directly to the worker who is going to start bolting them onto cars on an assembly line in Mexico, Bolivia, Slovakia, or wherever. LI-ON.
Oh yeah, there is UNBELIEVABLE HELL TO PAY if the parts are made defective - a hole size is wrong, maybe - and it only gets found out all the way on the end at the assembly line.)