Good information to know!
I'm glad to have an idea of what we have right now - And what we should look for as far as supplies and possible training for volunteers. The info will hopefully spawn some questions for the next meeting.
As I stated, I am in Jacksonville. And yes, in FL... Good call. I will be in the area in the middle to late May. Astoria, to be exact. I have sent a volunteer request to the email address. I have not had any replies, but I am sure they are VERY busy. Anywho, I do have a few ideas that may be points to bring up at meetings. I don't know how formal the meetings are but nevertheless...
-Organize all medical volunteers (phone lists, emails, etc)
-Assign other volunteers if neccesary (Again, I don't know if there was a major need for medical people, this is my first :-P)
-Procure realistic supplies (bandaids, alchohol pads, gauze) - preferably free ones
-Ask people (like yourself!) who were at previous K-con's about what supplies would be useful / What injuries were common
-For medical volunteers: basic first aid / CPR training
-See what the Hilton will supply - wheelchairs, tents, convention stuff..
I seriously hope I am not stepping on anyone's toes, but to describe the situation as "bleak" with 2000+ people expected is spooky. Just by looking at the forums it seems there is plenty of talent to go around, all that's needed is some structure! Let me know what you guys think. My email should be available through this forum, but if not : CYPHERNAUT@LYCOS.COM .