With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, I know some of you are going to look for alternatives for sticking a turkey in the oven.
Those of you heading down to KFC, this thread is not for you.
But, for those of you planning on deep frying your bird, you might want to pay a little attention. ESPECIALLY if this is your first time doing it. I'm sure some of you are old pros at this, and know exactly what you're doing. Good, continue to make yummy turkey without burning down your house!
Because it would suck if someone wasn't able to make it to Kumori Con because their house had burned down in a turkey accident.
Watch the following videos, Alton Brown's How to Fry and Turkey, and take close note of what he says. (feel free to ignore him on the seasonings and add your own, I'm not a fan of sugared turkey myself)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E270Qx5OpxUhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLNLYL24qUAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9mq29BaLLkThere is one important tip that he left out. When lowering and lifting your turkey into and out of the pot TURN OFF THE FIRE! Hot oil snapping at you is annoying. Fiery hot oil turning your yard, yourself, and everything in a 20 foot radius into a giant fireball is just a recipe for a bad day.
So turn off the flames while lowering and lifting the turkey. It may be a pain to re-light the fire, but it's worth it not to need skin graphs later in the day.
That said, I hope everyone has a terrific and safe Turkey Day. ^.^